Chapter 1

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Me and Rafeal have been the best of friends grown up. I want to ask him be my boyfriend but I don't think he would want to... I love---- "Hey Summer." He says knocking on my door. I jump off my bed and walk to the door opening it. "Hey Raf." I say with a smile opening the door more for him to walk in. He walks in and sits down on my bed. I close the door and sit next to him.

We sit in silence. "Can I ask you something?" We both ask each other at the same time. "You first." We say at the same time again. We look at each other and laugh. "Will you go out with me?" He asks me nervously with his hand on his neck. "I... I love you Summer. I always have. And I can't hide it anymore. Do you want to go out with me?" He says to me and I can't stop myself.

I move and kiss him. Then I pull away and say "I love you too." I tell him and kiss him again and he wraps his arms around me. A knock comes to the door and it starts to open we pull away and see them. Dad (Jace) and his parabatai... Great. They walked in my room and I looked and see them. They had serious looks on their faces then they start to laugh. I look to Raf confused then back to them and see my mom (Clary) and my mom's parabatai were behind them.

"Finally!" Izzy about yells as she walks into the room and over to me. I look at her confused. How could she know? Did everyone know? "We could see it." Dad says from the door. I look at Raf then back to my dad. "Really?" I ask him as he and mom walk over to me and Alec walks over to Raf. "Yes. Just like Alec was with Magnus." Izzy says giggling. It causes me and Raf to laugh along with mom and dad. "Hey!" Alec says to his sister. "I should cook!" Izzy yells and starts to run to the kitchen but Magnus is in the doorway to stop her.

"Oh no you're not Isabelle." He tells her blocking the door with his arms. "How about we go out to eat for the awkwardness our kids are in right now?" Dad says and a smile grows on my face. I look at Raf and see him already looking at me. I look down at the ground and feel my cheeks heat up. Why am I like this right now?! I'm 18 and I'm acting like a little kid! Mom sees this and walks to me wrapping an arm around my shoulders as Alec does the same thing to Raf.

"Let's go yeah?" She asks me and I nod as we walk out of my room and into the training room where we find Simon and Phoebe sparring as the others watch. We watch and Phoebe ends up winning. We all laugh at Simon as he stands. He walks over to Izzy and kisses her. "Takis?" Mom says moving her arm from around my shoulders and walking over to Matt (One of Summer's brothers.) "Sure!" Phoebe and Simon say at the same time. They look at each other and laugh.

"Why are we going to takis?" Micheal asks and mom, dad, and Izzy all look at me then to Raf. I look at Raf and see his dad is no longer by him. I smile and walk over to him and grab his hand. "Finally!" Almost everyone in the room yells and I widen my eyes. "How could you guys tell?!?" I say confused. "We could see it!!!" They all yell. "Ok ok damn." I say and laugh with Raf. I look at mom and she smiles at me. I smile back at her and we all start to walk out of the training room to takis.

We get to takis and make all of us a table. And I keep thinking... How the hell did they already know we liked each other!?! "What are you thinking?" He asks me and I come out of my thoughts. "Trying to think on how they already knew." I say with a laugh and he laughs as well as we sit down.

**After Dinner**


We walk out of takis hand in hand with our children ahead of us. "Hey Clary..." My parabatai says to me and I turn my head to look at her. She opens her mouth to say something but is cut off by screams. I flip my head back around and see our children running into the alley with their weapons out. We all run to the alley and see what's happening. Demons attacking a group of mundane girls.

The kids are out numbered. Me and Jace look at each other and are about to run into the battle but we hear someone yell. "Summer watch out!" I look back and see a demon behind her. I jump with my blade ready and swing at the demon with my blade as I hear another yell. "Micheal watch out!" Someone yells as I stab the demon and try to roll out of the way but it gets me. I fall to the ground the same time someone else does...

I turn my head to look... And see... "Jace...." I whisper as Izzy yells my name. And I realize... This is it... Summer comes up to me and puts her hand to my cheek. I do the same to her. "I love you Summer. Keep the boys safe and tell them I love them." I whisper to her as a demon comes up behind her but Izzy kills it before it could do anything. I close my eyes. "Mom! No no no! Mom it's going to be ok! Please stay awake!" I hear her voice start to fade and I take my last breath...


"Mom! No no no! Mom it's going to be okay! Please stay awake!" I yell shaking her but he eyes close for the last time.... "No!!! Mom!!!" I yell puts my head in my hands as tears roll down my face. "Summer. It's ok. It's going to be ok." I hear Rafeal say as he pulls me into a hug and I lean into him. "I lost them both..." I whisper to him and he shakes me back and forth saying 'it's going to be ok' as I look at my mothers body laying still. She's dead......


"Summer watch out!" I had yelled when there was a demon behind her. Then Clary jump in the way and saved her life giving up her own. "Micheal watch out!" Someone else had yelled and I saw Jace do the same thing Clary did... Gave up his own life for his child... Joining his wife. But leaving his parabatai and children... Summer had fallen asleep while she was crying. I drew a quick iratze and strength rune on my skin so I could be able to pick her up and carry her back to the Institute.

**Back the Institute** (Still Rafeal.)

By the time we get back to the institute Izzy and Alec tell everyone to go up to their room's so we do. I walk up to Summer's room and lay her down on her bed pulling her blanket over her. I start to walk out but I hear her say my name. "Yes Summer?" I ask her turning around to look at her. "Will you... Stay?" She asks me and after what just happened I smile. "Sure." I tell her throwing off my shoes and laying down next to her and she puts her head on my chest falling back asleep. I chuckle to myself and fall asleep as well.


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