Chapter 7

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My dear sister is gone, and there's no way we could get her back. "Hail and Farewell." Me and Simon whisper as we walk through Idris. I see Luke and Jocelyn ahead of us and we walk over to them and I give Izzy to Simon. "We'll miss you Izzy." Me and Simon say at the same time once again. "Hail and Farewell." We all say and Luke turns and walks away with Izzy in his arms.

"You guys may stay here if you like." Jocelyn says as she tries to smile. "I think we should get back to the family." I say looking at Simon as he looks at me and nods. "We'll see you soon Jocelyn." Simon says hugging Jocelyn I give her a nod and she nods back. "Beware! There will be more demons, and we need to find out how and why they are coming in such big numbers." She says as we go through the portal. A few seconds later my feet it floor and I start to move jumping back into walking.

"See you tomorrow Simon." I say and walk away up to my and Magnus' room in the institute. I walk into my room and lay down on the bed next to Magnus who was still fast asleep. I stare up at the dark ceiling and think from when we were young and when Clary's father and brother were trying to kill all shadowhunters, downworlders, and mundies. I slowly fall asleep...


I couldn't sleep. I had to do something. I couldn't just lay around and do nothing when the world could be being attacked by demons! I had to get out and do something... For mom, dad, Izzy... At the thought of her name I look down at the whip in my hand. Izzy's whip. The whip she her last breathes to give to me. But I don't understand why. Why would she use her last breathes to give me her whip? Wait... Maybe it was because----

"What is a pretty girl like you doing out here this late at night?" Someone says behind me and I turn to see a vampire. I back up and he takes a step closer which I take another step back and run into the brick wall. "What are you doing here alone little shadowhunter?" He asks taking a step closer and with a simple twist of my wrist I swing it at him and it goes around his neck.

"Killing things like you." I say and with another twist of my wrist I pull and he turns to dust and goes with the wind. My eyes... They feel... Different. I walk deeper into the alley and hear a noise in front of me. I uncurl the whip around my wrist as I walk closer. Demons. 3 of them. A women screams and I step out of the shadows and swing the whip at one of the demons and it wraps around it and with one pull it turns to dusk and disappears.

The other demons turn to look at me and start to make their way to me forgetting about the women, who has passed out from shock and fear. I feel my eyes... Change and I close them getting ready for the demons to jump at me. Opening my eyes I see them jump at me and I disappear slicing one of the demons in half with the whip. I reappear a few feet behind the other demon and I swing Izzy's, my  whip, at the demon killing it. My eyes... They feel... Different.

But what could it be? "Summer? What are you doing out here? Isn't not safe and you know that." Someone says behind me and I don't even have to turn to know who's voice that is. "Raf I---" I say turning around but stop when I see his expression. "What? What is it?" I ask taking a step closer. "You're eyes... Their burning gold." He tells me taking a step closer to me. "What do you mean? My eyes aren't gold... Their brown." I say looking at him not moving at all.

"I know but their burning gold. Like stars. Wait. My dad told me something like this... It was one of your dad's powers. It was when he was using all his strength and become stronger, unstoppable." He tells me and I don't know what to say to that, so I change the subject. "Why'd you follow me?" I ask him as I turn away from him and continue walking. "Because I knew you'd be out trying to find demons and kill them. I couldn't let you do it alone. I couldn't lose you too... I love you." He tells me as he walks up next to me and I stop walking and just look at the ground.

"Summer?" He says trying to get me out of the train of thoughts. "Summer." He says grabbing onto my arm and shaking me. "Summer talk to me... What's wrong?" He says and I whisper whats on my mind. "She gave it to me... But why? Her dieing wish was to tell me to never stop fighting. Tell me, why would she give it to me? Of all people... She gave it to me." I whisper slowly looking up at him.

He takes a step closer and puts his hands on my cheeks making me look up at him. "Because she knew you wouldn't but that thing to waste. You knew you won't sit around doing nothing when there were things going on around us. She knew your doing anything to save the people you love. Save all shadowhunters and downworlders. Save the world. She knew you were special...You're not like you brothers... You're... Different. She knew you were important and that  there was something special about you.

Something only your parents and her knew about. Something we need to find out." He tells me and at first I just stare at him and he drops his hands to his sides and I can't keep still anymore. I take a step closer and we are inches apart. Seconds later I put my lips on his as the whip curls around my waist and my lips move with his. I get lost.


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