Chapter 11

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We quickly got to the institute and everyone went to the infirmary. I help Papa put dad on a bed and he looks at everyone. "Out." He says pointing at the door. No one moves. "Now!" He yells and some flinch. Papa never yells at people... I look at everyone and they look at me. "Go." My eyes say and then do. They walk out and I watch them walk out of I wait for the doors to close until turning back to look at Papa. For a second we just look at each other. Until he looks away and looks at Dad.

"Go Rafeal." He tells me and I don't move. "There is no way in hell that I am getting out of here. The others didn't hear what he told you. What your father  told you. I'm not going to let you do this alone." I tell him taking a step closer. He looks at me and we stare at each other. Then he looks away from me and looks at dad. "Fine." He tells me and points his finger at a... Blanket? "Underneath the blanket. I need you to take the blanket off and give me what is underneath."

He tells me as he puts a needle in dads arm. I jog over to the blanket and lift it up and find a big glass bottle of a green liquid with a bog needle next to it. "What is this?" I ask him as I slowly carry it to him as he lifts his hands and the blue fire comes from his fingers. "Fill the needle up and put it into dad's neck." He tells me and I look at him as his blue fire goes through dad. I fill the needle with the green liquid and then hold it in my hand and look at him. "Do it. Now." He tells me and I shakily nod my head and bring the needle close to dad's neck.

Then I put it in my dad's neck and push the liquid out and it goes into him. "Get ready." He tells me as I take a step back and I look at him. "What's gonna happen?" I ask him as dad's arm moves and I flip y head to look at him. He begins to shake and my Papa stops using his magic. I reach for dad but Papa's hand stops me. "Don't. Take a step back you don't need to be in this." He tells me and I take a few steps back. "What's happening to him, Papa?" I ask him and he turns to look at me.

"Magie noire." He tells me turning back to look at dad and Papa opens his hands and his spell book appears in his hands. He opens to a page and he starts to talk in a language I don't understand. 

**23 hours later**

For the past 23 hours I have stayed here watching the energy get sucked out of Papa as he tries to awake dad as he keeps shaking. Then my dad stops moving. My Papa falls to the ground on his knees. I go to his side but he waves me off. "Check. On. Him." He tells me through breathes and so I do. I go to check him and see if he's breathing.

"Papa... It didn't work." I say taking my hand off of dad's neck and turn to look at Papa and he says something under his breath as he tries to stand up. "Don't. You're to weak." I say and pick him up and put him on the bed next to dad. "No I need---" He says but he is cut off by a gasp in the room. "What happened?!" Dad asks as we both look at him shocked that he is still alive and breathing. Wait. Is he breathing. "Dad." I say as I close the distance between us and put my hand to his neck.

"Papa... He's not breathing." I say turning to look at him. "Get him blood. He's half vampire half shadowhunter." My Papa says and he falls asleep. "Magnus. What do you mean I'm vampire? How am I a vampire?!" He asks trying to stand up but I stop him taking out my phone and calling Summer.

"Please come to the infirmary with some blood for a vampire to drink. I'll explain when you get here. Thanks, love you." I say into the phone and hangup before I can hear her say anything. "Magie noire." I whisper to him and his eyes widen. "What did Magnus do?" He asks me looking at Papa as he sleeps.


From all the deaths that have happened we have stayed at the New York institute to maybe help. "Jules, babe?" I say looking at my wonderful parabatai and husband. "Yes, love?" He asks taking his eyes off the book he was reading and looking at me. "Let's go out." I tell him standing up. "What do you mean?" He tells me putting the book down and looking at me questioningly.

"Let's take a walk outside." I tell him walking over to him and pulling him up out of the chair. "You know how dangerous that is baby." He fights me puts his hands on my waist. "Come one. We're Shadowhunters. We're parabatai and fight stronger together. I can't be trapped in his room forever." I tell him giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "Please." I pout. He looks at our door then back at me. "You're not giving me a choice are you?" He asks looking at me again.

"Nope!" I tell him and smile. He sighs and leans into kiss me. "Fine." He tells me and I lean in and kiss him a tiny bit longer. When I pull away I walk away from his grip and to the door. I grab my things that are by the door and put them on and open the door. "Are you coming?" I ask him as I turn to look at him and see him smiling.

"What?" I ask giving him a weird look. "You're adorable sometimes." He says walking up to me and kissing me. He pulles away and smiles as he grabs his stuff. "Let's go." He says as he loops his fingers through mine and we walk out of the New York institute.


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