Chapter 9

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What the hell is going on?! The demons... The deaths... Where can all these demons be coming from? Why are the in big groups? Demons are never in groups. At the most its 2-3, but now its 5-10. Why? I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear crashing behind me. I turn with my sword in hand and see a demon. It jumps at me and I stab it with my sword and it turns to dust.

I hear move crashing and before I can even turn something goes through me. I look down and see someone's sword. "Join your friend, lover, and parabatai Lovelace." They say in my ear and take the sword on and I fall to my knees and close my eyes. "Dad!" I hear someone yell and I look up.

"Jordan..." I say opening my eyes and seeing my son. "Get the boy." I hear one of the men behind me say as I have a hard time starting up straight. "Jordan, no." I say as he takes out his sword and I fall to the ground. "Jordan..." I whisper and black out and my breath stops. I'll be with my lover, parabatai, and friend now...


I saw dad walk out of the institute and I followed him. I could lose another one. I turned a corner and saw a sword go through him and then back out of him. "Dad!" I yell after he falls to his knees and I find the words to speak. "Jordan..." He says as one of the men behind him say "Get the boy." "Jordan, no." My dad says as he falls to the ground and I take out my sword and the man starts walking up to me with his own sword.

I peal my eyes away from my father and look at the man as he jumps at me. I flip over him and stab him through the back as another man runs up to me. I trip him and stab him through the back hitting his heart and I land in a crouch next to the 2 I have already killed and I turn to look at the last guy, the one who killed my dad the other one's were his "back-ups", I stand up and look at him as he starts to walk over to me.

"Your dad is weak. You though boy, are surprising would you like to join me?" He asks standing in front of me now and I think, I have to wait until he puts down his sword. "Join you in what?" I ask him so he thinks I'm interested. "In the rise of Valentine's circle." He says and I gasp. "How many are there?" I ask moving away slightly. "Well since you killed those two, It's only me, and you if you think you can handle it." He says and I smile.

"Well then.... I think there will be no circle." I say and stab into him with my sword, though the heart, and blood comes out of the corner of his mouth. "Die bitch." I say in his ear and stab my sword in deeper and he coughs up blood. "That's for hurting my dad." I tell him and he weakly laughs. "Your father's dead." He says and I fill with anger and take out the sword a little to stab it in again, deeper. The man dies laughing.

I rip the sword away from his body and he drops to the ground dead. For a minute I just look at the man's dead body then I remember... Dad. I run over to his body and fall down next to him and touch his arm. Ice cold. "He's already gone." I whisper to myself and stand up turning to kick one of the guy's dead bodies. A tear goes down my cheek and I wipe it away. I turn back to my father and lean down next to him to pick him up and start to run back to the institute.

When I get there I bust through the doors and continue to run. "Guys!" I yell as I run to the infirmary. On the way I run into George and we both bust through the doors to the infirmary and he helps me both dad on one of the bed's. The doors bust open again to show a shirtless Magnus and Alec who is putting his shirt on. "What happened?" Magnus says as he comes closer.

"The last of the circle members..." I say and everyone gasps. They're all dead." I tell them looking at George. Then I turn to look at Magnus. "What can you do?" I ask him talking about my dad and he just looks at me. "There's nothing I can do. He's already gone. I'm sorry." He tells me and I open my mouth to protest but he whispers three words then disappears by a portal. "Hail and Farewell." He had whispered.


"Raf..." I say looking up from the ground and up at him. "Yes babe?" He says taking his eyes off the book he was reading. "Why the hell is everyone dying?" I ask him and he sighs putting the book down and standing up. He walks over to me and sits next me on my bed and leaning across it on the wall. He pulls me back into his arms pulling me into a wanted, and needed, hug.

"I love you." He tells me as I look across the room from on his chest. I open my mouth to tell him the same thing but a sob comes from my throat and I can't stop it. He pulls me in closer and tears start to go my tears and I can feel my eyes start to change... Into gold color as I try to stop the tears from coming. I bring my hand to my wrist and feel her whip, that she gave me, and another sob comes and I don't try to fight it anymore.

I cry into Rafeal's chest with his arms around me as he comforts me. After a few hours I stop crying and I start to fall asleep. Raf kisses my head and I don't open my eyes to look at him. "Sleep, baby. I'm right here. I love you." He tells me and soon after we both fall asleep.


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