Chapter 5

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Emma and Julian Blackthorn... I feel like I have heard those names before... But where? "Let's go meet the company?" I ask Raf and he smiles. "I was hoping you would ask." He says with a smile and I go to stand up but he picks me up off my feet and out the library. "Rafeal Santiago. Put. Me. Down. Now." I say through gritted teeth as he walks to, I don't know where. He laughs and puts me down hoping onto my waist as we stand looking into each others eyes.

"Only because you said my full name and it sounds... Sweet on your tongue." He tells me and I roll my eyes. "What is wrong with you?!" I say as I playfully slap his chest. His eyes widen and a smile grows. He opens his mouth to say something but I stop him but putting a finger to his lips. "Just shut up and kiss me." I say dropping my hand to my side as he leans in and kisses me.

Then I hear someone clear their throat and I pull away and see Alec, Matthew, and the visitors. I blush and make distance in between me and Raf looking at the ground. "Remember when we were like that?" The women, Emma, says and I look up with a smile. She walks over to me and hugs me. "Summer right? I've heard your the one with powers?" She asks me and I pull away from the hug with a smile.

"Warlock powers no but I can disappear than reappear somewhere else." I tell her folding my arms behind my back. "Mind showing me? And if you don't have the warlock powers than who does?" She asks and I nod my head unfolding my arms and disappear than reappear behind my brother. "He can." I say and on cue he brings his hand up causing the red flames to come.

"And you believe you can do this because of your parents full angel blood?" She asks me and I nod my head. "We don't see any other answer." I tell her. "Mind if we see you train?" The man, Julian, says and I look away from Emma to him than to Matthew. We have a conversation with our eyes than I look back up to Julian. "Sure." I say and he smiles clapping his hands together.

"Perfect! Isn't there another Herondale?" He asks me looks down the halls both ways. "Yes but he hasn't found his yet." I tell him sharing a look with Rafeal. "Can he still train maybe he could find them..." Julian says sharing a look with Emma as I share a look with Matt (Matthew.) "Sure I'll get him see ya at the training room." I say giving Raf a smile and disappearing thinking of Micheal.

With my eyes closed I feel my feet touch the floor and I stead myself opening my eyes and see Micheal looking at me in shock from his bed where he was reading. "You read a lot don't you." I say with a smirk and he gives me a weird look. "Yes but what are you doing in here?" He asks me putting down his book and pulling his feet off his bed and standing up. "Is something wrong?" He asks me.

"Nothing's wrong. Emma and Julian Blackthorn want the Herondale kids." I tell him as he walks over to me still with a weird look on his face. "What for?" He asks and I smile him now being in front of me. "Training." I say and wrap my arms around him and disappear. A few seconds later I reappear and let go of Micheal and he falls to the ground. "What the hell?!" He yells out of breath.

"What was that for?!" He asks me standing up and I smile at him. "For fun. Plus we would have been late if we walked." I tell him pointing to the door as Emma and Julian Blackthorn, along with Alec, Rafeal, and Matthew. Micheal turns to look as another girl, I didn't see before comes up from behind Emma. He freezes and stares at the girl shocked. "This is my sister Drusilla Blackthorn." Julian says and I look back to my brother, Micheal.

"Dru... What are you doing here?" He asks and the only person she looks at is Micheal. "I wanted to see you." She says taking a step forward. "What?" Julian says stopping her from walking any further. "What's going on?" He asks and I'm to shocked to speak. "I came to see my boyfriend." Dru tells us and my mouth, along with Julian's, drops to the floor.


"Isabelle darling care to come with me to have a stroll through the streets to Takis?" I asked her and she smiled. "Why not!" She says and start our way out the institute. When we get out of the institute she turns to look at me. "What did you want to talk about?" She asks me turning her head to look in front of her. "How are you doing?" I ask her seriously and she turns to look at me once again then turning again. "Your talking about Clary and Jace..." She says stopping herself to continue as she looks around.

I open my mouth to say something but she continues. "He was my brother and she was my parabatai... I'm going to miss them." She tells me looking up at me. "How about you? She was you 'Biscuit'." She quotes and a smile comes upon my lips. "My biscuit she was. I still remember all the times Jocelyn took her to my place for her sight taken away..." I say letting my voice fade with a smile growing upon my lips.

Izzy opens her mouth to say something but is cut off my a scream. I recognize the scream. Sweet pea! (Madzie) We turn the corner and into the alley and see Madzie and another guy trying to fight off demons. 4 against 10. Not good numbers. Blue fire comes out of my fingers and shots at the demon that was about to jump at Madzie as Izzy taked out her whip. How are there so many demons in big numbers? Whatever it is... It's not good, not good at all.


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