Chapter 14

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"This doesn't change us?" Alexander asks me as he drinks blood on of a cup. "Of course this changes us Alexander." I say and put my book down and walk over to him. "You're immortal. Like me." I say and lean down to kiss him. When I pull away he opens his mouth to say something but is cut off. My phone starts ringing next to the book I set down. 

He closes his mouth. "It's probably no one Alexander." I tell him but he shakes his head, turning to where is legs are under the table. "It's probably someone important." He tells me and I see no way to convince him that it's  probably not. I sigh and give up. I walk back over to my phone and look down to see the caller. Summer. 

I answer it then hold it up to my phone. "Hel--" I start to say but she already starts explaining. "Me and Raf were kidnapped. We got out of there though and now something wrong with him. I'm running to the infirmary, with him in my arms. I don't know what's wrong please meet me over there." She says and I turn to the door. "Okay Biscuit, I'm coming." I say then hang up the phone. I hear his chair scratch the floor as he gets up. 

I turn to look at him, walking over to him. "Come with me." I say and I portal us all the way to the infirmary just as Summer runs in. "Why didn't you just disappear and reappear here?" I tell her as she sets him softly on one of the beds and I start doing my magic. 

After a few seconds, I realize what's wrong with him. I stop. "Summer." I say to her putting a hand on his arm softly. "What? What is it? What happened? What can I----" She starts says but stops, and takes a deep breath. And then I realize it. I look at Alexander as he moves to touch my arm. "No!" I back away. 

"They poisoned him. Don't touch me or Summer, or him. Please Alexander, don't." I say taking another step back, and turning to look at Rafeal. "What the hell do you mean they poisoned him?!" She yells and I turn to look at her. "Did you ever fall asleep when you were with them? When you and Raf were taken?" I ask her and she opens her mouth to say something then closes it, thinking. 

She begins taking again. "Wait, they had me blindfolded for almost two hours. I couldn't hear what they were saying though. What the hell did they do to him?" She asks me, really wanting an answer. "I'm not sure dear, but we need to find----" I start to say but a loud voice sounds above me. 

"Son! I am angry with you!"  The voice says and my eyes widen. "Father...." I whisper, not being about to talk louder. I turn to look at Alexander and he looks like he wants to reach out and touch me. I shake my head quickly. "I want you and everyone in this building to come out and fight. If they live, they live. If they die, they die."  His voice tells me.

I look at Alexander and he knows what I'm thinking. "Your boy there, I demanded those people to do that. I gave them my blood to poison him. He is now part of my army until I am turned into ashes like you all have done to Lilith. So come, come out here and fight. Get your armor, get your weapons, but you will still die. All of you will die. And if you try to stay in there.... Your boy, and whoever touched him will kill everyone in there and then will burn themselves alive." 

"What did we----" I say watching Alexander as he writes a fire message. I just hope the people he is sending this out to get it before anything unthinkable happens. My father cuts me off before I can finish the sentence. "You have 30 minutes before your boy, and the one's that touched him, turn."

He finishes and for a few seconds no one moves or says anything. Until I do. "We fight til the very end." I say and turn to look at them. "Grab as many weapons you can." I finish and we all move to it. 

When we get into the training room, everyone else is already in there. "What is going on Papa?" Madzie says as she tries to come up and touch me. I move away. "What my father says is true. Please don't touch me, Summer, or Rafeal. We have to hurry." I say and at that we all get to work. I turn around to look at Summer behind me, but I see her walking out the room. "Where are you going?" I ask her. I look at her wrist as she turns to me and she has the whip around her wrist. 

"I'm going to get my parents chosen weapons." She says simply trying to walk way again. "Summer I don't think you should---" I start but she cuts me off. "If we are fighting a fight that won't be easily won, I'm taking their weapons and using them. Even if it hurts me. I want Raf back. I can't lose him too." She says then looks at everyone in the room once, before disappearing.

I turn back around. "Then let's get to it." 


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