Chapter 12

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"Emma, Emma, Emma. What am I going to do with you?" I ask her as we step out into the cold city air. "You love me." She says taking my hand in hers and leaning in and kissing me quickly. "Why can't we stay!" I say pulling her to me when she tried to walk away from me. "Because you want me happy." She says looking into my eyes and pecking me on the lips. "Come on." She says trying to pull away again but I don't let her.

"Aren't you happy with me?" I ask her and she just looks at me with a stupid face. "Of course you do. But we're Shadowhunters too." She says leaning in and kissing me again. "You're right... Let's go." I say with a sigh and she smiles which causes me to smile. "I love you." She tells me as we start to walk through the streets. "I love you too." I say as I look around as we walk.


I brought Magnus up to our room when he fell asleep. I couldn't sleep so I just sat on a chair and stared at Magnus as he slept. After awhile I looked away and stared at the ground. Part shadowhunter... And vampire. "Alexander?" I hear someone say from the bed and look to see Magnus up. "Oh. I'll leave." I say as I get up from the chair I was in as he stands up from his bed.

"Alexander, wait." He tells me and I stop walking and turn to look at him. "Take a walk with me?" He says taking a step closer to me. "I would love--- Actually I can't. The suns---" I start to say but Magnus takes a step back to the window and draws the curtain letting the sun in. I put my hands up even though I know it won't do anything and the sun comes down onto me. I don't burn. I don't turn to dust.

"What the hell?" I say moving my hands from my face and looking at the my arms. No marks. "You're still a shadowhunter." He tells me as he walks over to me and stops in front of me. I just look at him and he looks at me. "I love you." He tells me as he takes another step closer to me. "You still do? Even though I've..." I start taking a step back from him. "Changed." I finish looking up at him from the ground.

"Alexander. I don't care that you've changed. I knew you would change but now... We get what we both wanted and dreamed of... To be together forever." Magnus says and I can't stop myself. I grab his sides and pull him closer to me and plant my lips onto his and begin to kiss him and he kisses me back. Soon he pulls away and smiles at me.

"How about that walk?" He says as I let go of him and we both face the door next to each other and he holds up his hand. I look at it and smile, grabbing his hand and intwining my fingers with his. "Gladly." I say and we walk out of our room and out the institute like that talking.


Rafeal was asleep and I didn't want to wake him so I quietly got out of my bed and went to take a shower. After yesterday and all that happened he was really tired and could barely make it to my room let alone his. After the shower I get dressed in my training clothes and walk to the training room. When I get by the door I put my hand on the door nod and go to twist it when I hear someone in the training room.

I quietly open the door and see Matthew throwing balls of fire from his hands into targets. I stand there and watch him for a little throwing ball after ball into the targets. Then I step forward. "Care if I join you?" I ask him walking over to the table of knives and picking one up and spinning it in my hand.

"Me and you." He says and I smirk getting ready to throw the knife. "Then let's start." I say turning around and throwing the knife at him and he uses his magic to make the knife disappear. "Nice move. Now lets see if you can dodge this." I say disappearing and the "fight" begins.


I woke up in a different place that wasn't my room. I look around and see I'm in Summer's room and she's not here. So I get up and walk to my room and go take a shower. After the shower I read for a few hours but then need to get up and move around. So I grab my weapons belt and put it on and grab a few other things just in case something was to happen.

I walk out the institute and start walking around listening to the quiet birds over the noisy streets and cars. It's actually kind of peaceful. I sit on a bench and look as he cars drive by. I feel a hands go on my shoulder and one go on my mouth. I try to fight it but fail. Shit... What is happening...

**Author's Note**

Sorry for the short chapter but I was kind of running low on story ideas and wanted this out there for you all to read. Leave a comment telling me what you think and don't forget to vote!

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