Chapter 4

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After I changed I opened the door and walked over to Rafeal who was zoned out. "Raf." I say but he doesn't hear me. "Rafeal." I say to him putting my hand on his shoulder but he still doesn't answer me. "Raf!" I yell in his face shaking his shoulders and he finally snaps out of it. "Sorry I--- I was thinking and I guess I got lost in my mind." He says as we both stand up and walk to the door. "What were you thinking about?" I ask him opening the door for the both of us and walk out closing it behind me.

"It doesn't make sense how you can do magic being a shadowhunter not that it's a bad thing I think it's cool but I don't understand how you can do warlock magic." He confesses and I smile. "Having parents who have full angel blood gives you different powers." I tell him with a smirk as we walk into the training room and I go to grab a dagger and right as my fingers touch the dagger I hear Izzy's voice boom in the room.

"Alec needs everyone in the library." She says to us and I turn to look at her as I twist the dagger in my hands. "Why does he need us?" I ask turning and throwing the dagger blindly at the dummy and it hits in between the eyes. "I don't know he just told me to go get you guys because everyone else is already in there. It's not like you had anything else to do you already have a great aim better than your fathers." She tells me with a laugh as me and Rafeal walk over to her.

"Well I do. We were going to start training to become parabatai." I tell her sending a smile at both of them as we walk to the library. "You guys are become parabatai? Finally!" She says and I laugh. "How is it that everyone already knows something like this or with Summer is already going to happen before it even happens!" Rafeal says causing me and Izzy to laugh at him as he throws his hands up becoming frustrated. "Because you make it to obvious." I tell him flatly as we walk into the library and Izzy laughs as Rafeal rolls his eyes.

"What you guys laughing about?" Micheal says looking at us. "About how obvious Rafeal is." I tell him and he smiles. "Parabatai?" He asks and I know my head and it causes him to whisper a 'finally' causing Rafeal to roll his eyes. I put a hand on his shoulder. "Attention." Alec says as he stands up from behind the desk putting the phone down and we all look at him.

"That was Maryse... There will people from Idris and another the leaders of another institute coming tomorrow for a meeting on the growth of demons that are popping up in the big numbers they are... And... They will come to pick up Jace and Clary's bodies to bring to Idris." He finishes and at the mention of my parents name I look down at the ground and feel a hand on my shoulder. I look over and see Raf. I give him a smile as I hear someone speak.

"I thought you are only buried in Idris if you died in Idris?" They say and I look up... Micheal. "Yes but sense they... Ahh... They helped stop a war they will be buried in Idris as heroes." He says and I look to Summer who is looking from Micheal to me. I give her an encouraging smile. She sends me a forced smile and I turn to look at Alec. "You all did. You guys... Stopped Valentine and Johnathan Morgestern." I say looking up at him as he looks down at me. We stare at each other having a conversation with our eyes. Of my our powers... Summer's...

"Micheal..." Summer starts to say and I look away from Alec to Summer and Micheal. "Do you have any... Powers?" I ask and he turns to look at me questioningly. "Wait." Simon jumps into the conversation looking from me to Summer than to Micheal and back again. "You're saying..." He starts again this time looking at Izzy who was sitting next to Rafeal. I sneak a look at Summer as see her staring at Rafeal and I laugh under my breath as Simon continues.

"They have powers like their parents?" He asks and I start to lift my hand and Magnus calls my name to stop me but the red flames come from my fingers lightly the room a little more. They all look at me with shock other than the three people who already knew, Alec, Magnus, and Raf. "What---" Summer and Micheal both say at the same time. "Our parents gave us powers Micheal. You just need to find yours." I tell him putting down my hand the red flames of my magic go away and I see Micheal looks at his hands.

"Does that mean... I can do magic too?" He asks and I look at Summer. "It can be anything Micheal. I, for one can not do magic, for I can do other things." Summer says and I nod my head at her. She nods her head back and disappears. Micheal looks for her around the room and she pops up in Rafeal's lap. "Ha! How did I know you were going to do that?" I ask her laughing as the others join me. She shrugs her shoulders as Rafeal wraps an arm away her waist.

"Watch your hands boy. I may only be her brother and your soon to be parabatai but that does not mean you can do that." I tell him looking at his arm that is dangerously close to her---- "For god's sake your younger than me! You are so much like dad!" Summer about yells in my ear and I move a little and rub my ear. "Geez why are you so loud?" I ask her and the room goes into a quiet laugh. "Because I feel like it!" Her voice booms next to me causing me to almost fall off the chair.

I jump when the bell to the institute goes off all through the institute. "Oh I forgot to mention... The leaders coming from the other institute... Are Emma and Julian Blackthorn." He says walking out of the library. Wait... Those names... I've heard them before...

The couple that are parabatai and lovers. Something the clave has forbidden for years. I stand and walk out of the library the door closing behind me. "Where should I go?" I asked myself and then thought about the question. "Oh! I know!" I say to myself again and my feet start to carry me to where I want to go.


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