Chapter 8

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I heard a noise and I pulled away from Summer taking out a dagger. "What was that?" Summer asks as the whip uncurls around her wrist she straightens it out and takes a step in front of me. "What are you doing?" I ask as I follow her deeper into the alley. "Stay behind me." She tells me and I am about to protest but a demon lands in front of her. I am about to yell her name but she stabs the whip staff into the demon killing it. "Summer." I start.

"What's going on with you? Are you okay?" I ask her as she stares off into space. They're killing them Raf. I can't just stand here and do nothing while people are dying. I can't lose anyone else. Micheal. Matthew...." She starts still turned away from me. "You." She finishes turning to look at me. I can see the tears, pain, and heartache in her eyes. I pull her into a hug.

"You're not going to lose me Summer. We'll get through this, together." I tell her and she wraps her arms around me and hugs me tighter. "I love you." She tells me as I close my eyes and hug her tighter. "I love you too." I tell her and I feel her body start to shake as she begins to cry. I hold her to me as the tears leave her eyes and at that second I start to feel the weight of the lose. The pain.


I woke up and popped my hand to the side hitting someone. Alexander. I open my eyes and sit up lookong at him sound asleep. Jace. Isabelle. Clary. Their deaths are starting to take a tool on him and not letting him sleep very longer. So instead of waking him up I take a shower and get dressed in some new cloths. Walking out of the room closing the door quietly I make my way to Madzie's room. I need to talk to her about her mundane boyfriend.

"Sweet pea are you in there?" I ask through the door softly knocking. "Yeah. You can come in." She sats and I open the door and see her and the mundane sitting on her bed and, I believe, watching something on her labtop. "You guys are dating?" I ask sitting down in a chair as Madzie puts the labtop to the side. "He's training to become a Shadowhunter and will be one in the end of next week." She tells me and I think. "Mason Gray?" I say the name going into my mind.

"How do you know my already I didn't tell you yet." He tells me. "It is being planned in the institute. We were told your name and when it would be." I explain to him and the last name hits me. "Their adoptive child." I say looking at him and he looks up at me after the words leave my mouth. "I'm not a normal mundane. I won't be a normal Shadowhunter." He tells me and I nod my head.

"Do you know why?" I ask him trying to read his expression. He doesn't say anything he just closes eyes and... changes. His normal skin changes into burnt flesh and I remember what Tessa told me about the boy. "His skin has burnt for torture for letting his family go when they were taken from their own home and were brought to the City of Bones. They brought his family back to them and burnt them to death. They left him to live with the burnt flesh and the lose of his family. They did something else to him, but we can not know until he becomes a Shadowhunter." She had told me.

"Do you really want to become a Shadowhunter?" I ask turning to look at him and see he has changed again and see him staring right at me. "For them." He says and I open my mouth to say something but someone knocks on the door. I look at the door as it opens. "Magnus." Jordan says looking at me and by his expression I know something happened. Please don't be Alexander. I stand up and start to walk to him. "It's Phoebe. Another demon attack." He tells me and we all run down to the infirmary.

I run through the door and see her laying there on one of the white beds with a little boy next to her. "Who's the little boy?" I ask as I start to heal her. "Phoebe please don't leave us. Not you too." Simon says as the doors open again. Alexander says as him, Maia, and Bat walk in as Jordan starts to explain. "We were walking to takis when she heard a crashing sound and we all turned and found the demons. She saved the boy. A warlock." He says as I feel her starting to slip away. I stop.

"Phoebe." I say putting my hand on her arm. She gasps and her arm shoots up and falls limp next to her. "No!" Simon yells as he falls to the ground holding onto his side, where his parabatai rune is. He lifts my his shirt showing the ruin as it fades away. Gone. "No..." He whispers letting go of his shirt. He stands up and looks at her body.

"Clary. Jace. Isabelle. And now her..." And he turns to the door and looks back. "Hail and Farewell dear Parabatai." He says and walks out of the infirmary. They all whisper those three words we have said to many times this last week. They all walk out as I look at her lifeless body. I start to fall back but am caught in someone's arms. "Alexander." I whisper looks at him as he steadies me and holds me in his arms.

"You did everything you could do Magnus." He tells me and I can't say anything. "There's something happening Alexander," I start to say closing my eyes. "And it's not good." I say opening my eyes and looking up at him than I fall asleep and I feel him pick me up and I'm to tired to even open my mouth so I let the sleep take me in. 


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