Chapter 13

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After we finished training I went back to my room for a shower. Rafeal was no longer in my room. I figured he went to his own room so I shrugged it off and began taking a shower. I got into the shower, showered, and then got out when I was finished. I got into another pair of leggings and a long t-shirt.

I grabbed my phone. No new messages. I put my phone down and walk out of my room and start my way to Raf's room. When I get there I knock on the door. No answer. I knock again. "Rafeal?" I question through the door and hear nothing.

I put my hand to the door nob and twist. Unlocked. I peak my head into the door. Nowhere. He never left his room unlocked if he wasn't in there. I take my phone out and call him. I hear his phone ring in his room and I step in the room. I look around and see his phone on bedside.

Rafeal never left his phone when he left his room. I run out of his room and out of the institute. I look left, nothing. I look right, and see somebody on a bus bench. I see him. A few men start walk over to Raf. I take a step closer. They grab onto him blocking his eyes and mouth. He trys to fight them. I move to run over to him and open my mouth to scream, but I'm held back.

"Nice try." Someone whispers into my ear and I know, it's the same people that have Rafeal. If I get away now, I won't be able to find Rafeal. So I let them take me away with Raf. I need to help Raf. I can't lose him too...


I wake up and crack my neck. Where am I? I look around and see Summer looking at me. "Finally. You're up." She says and smiles. "Where are we? How did we get here? Are you okay? What happened? Are the other's here?" I sip out wanting answers to my questions. "It doesn't matter. I'm going to get us out of here." She says looking at me. "Are you ready?"

I look down at the ropes around her body. "How are you going to get us out of here?" I ask her and she smiles. "Easy." She says as she disappears then reappears in front of me. I look at her empty chair then back at her and she puts her hands on my knees and leans closer and places a kiss on my lips. I smile.

"I forgot you could do that." I tell her as she begins to untie the ropes around my body. "Who are the people who took us?" I ask her and she stops and looks up at me. They're some of Valentine's old men. From his group. All I'm going to say is that I'm glad you finally woke up." She says continuing to untie me.

"Why?" I ask seeing the look on her face. "When we got here they want to cut out your runes, put the circle rune on you, then send you to Idris. I told them that if you didn't wake up in 2 days they could do it to me. I told them you had a wife and she just had a baby." She explains and my eyes widen, I open my mouth but we hear footsteps.

She rips the rest of the ropes from around me and pulls me up by the waist, closer to her and I catch my breath. She pulls me over to a window in the room as the footsteps stop at the door. "Ready?" She whispers. I nod my head quickly as the door opens. She elbows the window and the class breaks. "Hey! They're getting away!" A man yells as we get through the window and jump onto the next building.

"Get them!" The, looks like, leader yells. We jump to the building and she quickly pulls me into her arms. "Close your eyes!" She yells at me and I close them. I keep them closed until I hear her voice. "Rafeal?" She asks me worryingly. Her grip on me lossen and she lets go of me. "Are you okay?" She asks and I open my eyes. "We're home." I say looking up at the institute. "Are you okay, Refeal?" She asks me again. "I'm.... Really tired." I say and fall back asleep, and fall into her arms.


(Sorry it's short, I wanted it out.)

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