Chapter 2

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I blink away the sleep from my eyes and yawn as I feel something move underneath me. I quickly jump up and see it's Raf. I smile and lay back down still with a smile on my face. Then I remember... My parents... Are gone. "Summer how are you doing you've been in your room all day and we're starting to get a little worried... Can I come in? And is Rafeal in there with you?" Izzy says after she knocked on the door.

With a sigh I lean up and kiss Raf and get up from the bed as the same time he does. "Do you want me to make Izzy go away?" He asks me. "No." Is all I say before I open the door to show Izzy standing there. "Hey Izzy...." I say to her as she walks into my room. "Rafeal your father wants you in the library." She tells Rafeal and he nods, gives me a quick goodbye kiss, then walks out closing the door behind him. "How are you doing?" She asks me and I sigh.

"That bad?" She says after I don't answer and I sigh again sitting down on my bed. "It's just..." I start to say as she sits down next to me on my bed. "What about my brothers? I have to take care of them. Be there for them when I sure as hell don't know how to." I tell her truthfully. "Summer you don't have to take care of them. You still have family to help you through this.

Your brothers have their friends and you have Rafeal to help you through this. You're a very smart, strong, intelligent girl. You can get past this. We all can." Izzy tells me putting a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks Izzy..." I say looking down at the ground. "You want to go train with me to get your mind off it?" She asks me standing up. With a sigh I say sure and stand up walking into my bathroom, grabbing a pair of leggings and a sports bra on the way, and change.

When I walk out Izzy is still there and I walk to my door opening it. "Ready?" She asks me standing up from the chair she was sitting in and I realize she changed too. "Yeah let's go." I say and we walk to the training room and see no one in there. "What do you want to start with?" I ask. "Let's see how you can fight!" She tells me and I turn to look at her with a smirk. We walk into the center of the room and I circle her. "You sure about this Izzy?" I ask her with a smile on my face. "Positive." She says and jumps at me. 


My parabatai... Is gone. My brother.... I am pulled out of my thoughts when the door to the door to the library opens. "Dad?" Rafeal says as he walks into the library and I stand up. "Walk with me?" I ask walking closer to him and putting my arm around my son's shoulder. "Where to?" He asks me as we walk out of the library. "Just around." I tell him.


We walk out of the institute and walk a random way. "So...." I say letting my voice trail off. "How's Summer?" He asks me. "The same way everyone else is taking it... Hurting but not wanting to say anything about it. How are you taking it?" I ask my father not looking at him. "Like you said... Hurting but not wanting to say anything about it." He tells me truthfully and I look at him now.

"Care to share? He was your parabatai." I ask and he sighs. "Yes he was. I never thought he would get married or have kids. He  would always go from one girl to the other but it all stopped when we met Clary. She changed him and made him happy." He tells me. "How did you meet Clary?" I ask him looking ahead of me and see takis a few building ahead and I smile mentally. "We needed her help finding Valentine the Mortal cup." He tells me as we walk into takis and are seated.

We order our drinks and go back to talking. "Did she end up helping you?" I ask. "Yes and no but she was mostly a royal pain in my ass." He tells me and I laugh as we get our drinks. "Are you going to miss him?" I ask my father looking at him and he looks up at me with his drink up to his lips. "A parabatai is half of you. And when you lose them half of you goes with them." He explains to me.

"I want to have a parabatai... What's it like to have a parabatai?" I ask him taking a drink of my drink. "Well... Sometimes your parabatai can be a pain in your ass, especially if they have the Herondale name." He tells me with a sigh and then a laugh at the end. "I was thinking about asking Matt..." I tell him taking another drink. "Well if you do then know... Herondale's can be a pain in your ass sometimes." He tells me and I laugh as the women comes back to take our order.

I smile. I love times like this with my dad... It makes me forget the bad. Forget the demons we have to kill. It makes me happy. Not as happy as Summer does though.


She goes to send a punch at me and I am about to move when I feel my eyes glow. I feel my feet lift off the floor then hit it again and I feel myself fall onto the ground. "Your father." Izzy says looking down at me from above me. "What?" I ask her confused standing up. "Your father could do that." She tells me. "H--how?" I ask looking around the room confused. "They had extra angel blood Summer. And so do you." She tells me and my mouth falls to the ground. "I--- Ummm--- How do I use this?" I stutter. "Practice." She all she says as she jumps at me again.


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