Chapter 6

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I was walking out to meet up with Madran and when I got there he was already there. I smiled as he turned to look at me. When he saw me a smile appeared over his lips and I ran in to hug him, jumping into his arms as he caught me, not letting me fall. I pull away from the hug as he brings me closer but my waist. "I missed you." He tells me and a smile appears on my face. "I missed you too." I say to him looking into his eyes. "Why can't we tell your parents?" He asks and I sigh.

"You're a mundane. They won't accept that." I tell him looking around. "But I'm going to be a Shadowhunter." He says putting his hand under my chin moving my head to make me look at him. "They don't know that." I say looking up at him. "Come on. Your parents are the famous Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood. They will accept it." He says and I laugh. "We can tell them, when you become a Shadowhunter." I tell him and lean in to kiss him.

He kisses me and I pull away when I hear movement behind me. I look and see demons. So many demons. I scream pushing Madran into the wall behind me. I hear people running over to us and see Izzy and dad. Dad! His blue flames shot on of his fingers and at the demon that was about to attack me. The fight... Is on. Or we die.


What is Madzie doing in a alley with a mundane? Demon after demon come and they don't stop. Than as I kill the last demon I turn to look at Izzy Summer comes up behind her and walks over to me and Madzie. "Are you guys ok?" She asks looking from all of us. Me and Madzie nod our head and turn to look at Izzy and see a demon land behind her. "Izzy watch---" We yell but It's to late.

The demon stabs her through the chest and she falls to the ground on her knees. I throw a fire ball at it and it turns to dust. Summer runs over to Izzy and kneels down by her taking her hands into hers. "Izzy---" She starts to says but Izzy stops her. "Summer take this." She says as Izzy's whip goes up Summer's hand and curls around her wrist. "Izzy please no--" Summer says to Izzy but Izzy stops her once again.

"It's yours now. Save the world Summer. Bad things are happening and more are going to come." Izzy says as she takes her last breath. "No. No no no. Magnus!" Summer yells for me as a tear goes down both of our cheeks. "There's nothing I can do Summer." I tell her putting a hand on her shoulder. I pull her away from Izzy and Madzie letting go of the mundane and grabs hold of Summer and she crys into her. I lift Isabelle in my arms and look down at her.

"I'm so sorry Isabelle. Hail and farewell dear..." I whisper to her and walk back to the institute with Izzy in my arms with Summer, Madzie, and the mundane behind me. We all walk into the institute and hear nothing. Maybe their all in the training room. We all get there and see Alexander attacking Simon. Until he see me with Izzy in my arms. "Izzy..." He says dropping the blade in his hands and everyone looking our direction.

"No..." Simon says dropping to his knees. "Izzy...." He stares at her lifeless body in my arms bringing his hands into his hair. "What happened?" Him and Alexander asks at the same time. "Demons. There was nothing I could do. I'm so sorry." I say as they both get up and walk over to me. Simon takes her from my arms and sits back down on the ground with her body pulled into her lap. "Isabelle..." He says as his children kneels down next to him.

"I'm sorry." I whisper as the amount of magic I have used hits me and I start to fall but am caught in the arms of my lover. "Alexander---" I start to say but he stops me from continuing. "She will be sent to Idris after Simon and their children and done with their goodbyes. You, however, need rest." He says and I weakly nod my head and he picks me up and into his arms like I did with Izzy. Dear Isabelle...


Clary, is gone. Jace, is gone. Isabelle, my dear Isabelle, is gone. The demons are getting worse. There's a battle coming, I can feel it, and it's not a good feeling. I sigh and let go of my sons. "Get some rest boys." I tell them and they nod their heads walking out of the training room leaving me alone with Isabelle's body. I write a fire message to the Clave asking to be able to be allowed to go into Idris then pull Isabelle's body back into my lap.

I bring my hand up to her head and move the hair from her face and realize, Where's is Izzy's whip? And as if someone can read my mind a person answers me. "She gave it to Summer, so she could be protected and have her weapon of choice." A voice says and I look up from Izzy to see Alec leaning against the door frame looking down at Isabelle.

"She always wanted a daughter, Summer is the closest thing to a daughter she had, we had. I'm gonna miss her..." I say to him looking back down at Izzy and her plain, empty wrist where her whip once was. "Me too, but all Shadowhunters die Simon, it's our job to protect people. Even if it means giving up our own life, you know that better than anyone Simon." He tells me and I look up as a letter starts to form in front of me.

I open my hand and it falls into my hand. Simon Lovelace you are granted access Alexander Lightwood may assist you as well. It reads and I look up as it disappears into dust in my hands. "Join me going to Idris?" I ask him and he pushes himself off the door frame. "I was hoping you would ask me." He says and waves a hand behind him and Madzie comes in and makes a portal. I get up and pick Izzy up and bring her to Alec. "You should be able to say goodbye." I say to him and we walk through the portal. 


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