chapter 1

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"Oh my child! ", Nana Chiyo gasped when she opened the door and saw Sasuke in the front. The raven haired young man brought a young woman in his arms bridal style.

"What happened Nana Chiyo?", an ool man said when he heard the old woman gasped. He run at the front door and saw the heir of Uchiha walking inside the house and gently put down the young woman at the sofa in living room.

"Andro,please call immediately Doctor Kabuto. She need help",Nana Chiyo said to the old man.

"Right on the way!", the old man said and dial quickly the telephone at the corner of the living room.

"Who is she Sir Sasuke",the old woman said.

"I do not know Nana Chiyo",the raven haired Uchiha said, " I just saw her  inside the forest area on this place. She laying on the ground and her right knees was bleeding. I immediately bring her here to check for furthere injuries".

"Sir Sasuke", the old butler said to the young man.

"Yes,Andro?",he answered

"Doctor Kabuto's car is still not available now for they still need to change to spare tires of it. I told him I will pick him up myself",the old man said.

"If is okey with you Andro,then you can do it", Sasuke replied.

"Yes Sir,its no problem", and the old man immediately run outside to take his car at garage.

After the butler went out, Nana Chiyo also went upstairs to bring some clothes and blankets to change the muddy clothes of the lady that Sasuke rescue a while ago. This give time for Sasuke to check the young woman he bring home. She had long pink hair and flawless white skin. She is.slim and petite figure. She wears a exercise outfit,a fit black leggings and blue shirt. She also wear a pair of white  sketchers which is covered by mud now.

Her eyelids are closed and her long eyelashes lay on her soft cheeks. Her pink lips are slightly open and her breathing are shallow and deep.

She is beautiful.

Sasuke was mesmerized by her looks but he quickly shakes his head. The last time he think about women are he always thought about his ex fiancè. She is beautiful too. A perfect beautiful model. An hour glass figure, a cup C breast and long legs. Her long blonde hair always captured his attention and her dazzling blue eyes with red lips makes him loose his concentration at the practise match.

But beautiful women always had secret agenda. His fiancè left him after he lost the fight in heavy weight championship. She is eager in popularity and money. She always wants the fame. And knowing that he was cricitized by journalists and media reporters makes her decided to left him. She said,she do not want to mess with him anymore.

Just simple as that.

Girls are trully dangerous creatures. Their beauty are always their traps over men.

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