chapter 15

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"Will she be alright?",

"How long will she stay like this?",

"We are doing everything we can in order to save her life. At least let us pray for better results",

"Please wake up! I need you!",

"Please wake up!",

Sakura groaned. Her head hurts so much and her body feels so heavy. She wants to open her eyes but its feels so stick up into glue. She tried at least to move her fingers but even the small movements feels so exhausting to do. She feels so sleepy and tired. In the end, she follow what her body wants to do,she sleep and embrace the comforting darkness surrounding her.

"Coach Kakashi said you need to show up to your training tomorrow",Shikamaru said over the dark-haired guy who is busy drinking up whiskey into one of bar in the city of Konoha.

"For what reason should I follow you?",Sasuke asked. Shikamaru just let out a deep breath.

"For God's sake Sasuke, you need to train and protect your title as HeavyWeight Champion. Sakura is in coma but it doesn't mean you need to kill yourself too-",Shikamaru was interrupted to his speech when Sasuke stand up quickly and cornered him in one area. In one fast movement, he punch Shikamaru to his cheeks.

"Sakura means everything to me. So you should better be aware before you remark something about her!",Sasuke hissed. Shikamaru nervously nod to him. He almost see that Sasuke's eye turn into bloody red eyes. He will never forget how does Sasuke turned into a beast when the time that Coach Gai pointed a gun to him,then a gun shot was heard. They all just shock to see the pink-haired journalist infront of Sasuke and clutching her chest where the bullet goes in. Sasuke was devastated and least out a fast movement to punch Coach Gai until he almost kill the older man. If they do not stop the dark-haired boxer player,Coach Gai will surely in his death bed now. They rust Sakura to hospital. The doctor said they are able to take out the bullet but Sakura was still weak to recover which lead her to being comatose.It just thanks God that the bullet missed out her heart but it created  That time Sasuke did not stop to seek justice to brought Coach Gai and Rock Lee behind the prison cells. But after that,he always become irritated over small things. He always stay with Sakura or sometimes he waste his time into some bar to be drunk and come back groggy next morning. Shikamaru knew that Sasuke is frustated. He is scared to the condition where Sakura is. He is afraid that Sakura might not able to wake up anymore and leave him. Coach Kakashi once said to him to leave Sasuke but watching him destroying his life again is too much to take.

"Don't you think Sakura will like to see you destroying your life?",he whispered,enough for Sasuke to hear. The Uchiha guy clutched his fist.

"Don't speak of her name. I don't want to hear it",he angrily said.

Shikamaru raised his head and stared back to Sasuke, "Yes you are! Tell me, seeing Sakura laying on bed do not hurt you? She did everything to bring you back to boxing ring. Don't waste it! She love you so much to the point she used her body to shield you from being hurt! ",determination crossed over Shikamaru's face.

"You don't understand me",Sasuke said,walking away from him. "When I lost the game of championship, everyone of you left me alone. I was left by myself. I still remembered how the media got destroyed my name,the people got cold to me. They called me a failure. A mistake. You never know how much it feels to be left behind while everyone is laughing happily to my misery",Sasuke let out a sad laugh then signed deeply. "When Sakura comes to my life, I feel alive again. She makes me believe in myself again. She is my sunshine agaisnt the storm. She never leave me. Am the one who left her. I failed her ". Sasuke drink his whiskey again.

"If Sakura wake up now, she will be sad seeing you. You are destroying her will to see you alive again in boxing ring. If you trully love her, don't waste her efforts." Then Shikamaru walk away from him.

"By the way, we feel sorry for making you feel alone after your lost in the game of championship. But you are wrong in thinking that we left you. We always wait for you to show up in gym. But you never come. We always wait for you that one day you will show up yourself. You are the only one thinking that we left you behind. But the truth is we are just here for you. You're success is our success,you're failure is our failure too. So please stop thinking you are alone. People who do not know you surely destroy you after your lost,but we know you more than them. That's why we hurted too after you left us without knowing if you will come back or not",Shikamaru said before going out of bar.

After Shukamaru left,Sasuke was left to clear out his mind from everything.

Maybe he is right. Am the only one thinking am alone but the truth is not. 'People do not know you surely destroy you after your lost,but we know you more than them'.

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