chapter 14

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"Sasuke don't ever loose the game just because of me. You need to bring back your title for championship",Sakura said while tears is falling down to her cheeks. Coach Gai suddenly grab the phone away from her and push her stumbling over the floor while mumbling stupid girl.

"If you won the game,I will kill her but before I do that, I will make sure to taste first your girlfriend", he threatened.

"Damn you!", Sasuke hissed. " Don't ever touch her. I will surely kill you before your fingers can reach  her".

"Kill me? You cannot do that. We both know how much you love her. Just loss the game and she will live",he said before hanging up the phone.

Sasuke throw the phone across the wall due to frustration.

"Don't worry Sasuke, we can rescue her before your  game begin. I have my men guarding the old building".

"Just make sure she is safe",he said.

"Focus your attention to Rock Lee. Kabuto informed that they are injecting some kind of drugs to him before the game."the older man said.

I will make them pay!


"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm  your host Ledez who will bring you the most awaited game of the year. The game to win the Heavyweight Championship! Here I present you the fighters who will fight to win the belt, on the right corner, having 25 won fight and one lost, the former Heavyweight Champion,Uchiha Sasuke!", the people inside the stadium cheered and shout out to show their suport to the Uchiha  figther," on the left corner, having 23 won game,the defender of the championship game,Rock Lee!"Sasuke almost want to punch his face for his annoying smirk.

They went to the center of the boxing ring and the referee told them the rules of the game before the first round of the game began.

Rock Lee continuosly throw him punches while Sasuke never let his guard down. His opponent is throwing advances on him but he just put up his guard. This goes on on the whole first round.

"What happening on you?",I told you to finish  him  in first round,why did you still let him stand up agaisnt you",Coach Gai said to Rock Lee.

"He is strong and never let his guard down. He is saving his energy for more impacks. I knew he is up to something", his assistant said.

"Don't let your guard down. I know you are worried about Sakura but my men already save her. They are on the way coming  here",Coach Kakashi said which makes Sasuke's eyes ligthened up.

"Are you sure about it?",Sasuke asked.

"Yes,just finish this game",the coach said.

"As you wish",then he show the famous smirk of the Uchiha clan which makes the women around him cheered for more.

On the second round, Sasuke is more active. He is showing up his smooth and fast footwork over the game.He was able to punch Rock Lee three times before putting up his guard again. Rock Lee was observing him and letting him do his jabs but he is just letting Sasuke to show his movements.

"I told you to give him your upper punch!,don't let him win the game",Coach Gai said to his boxing player.

"Am just letting him to show up his techniques",he replied.

"Am not interested what techniques he had. All I wanted you to do is put this game into end!",he argued.

"Am starting to wonder why you hate Sasuke so much. Relax Coach, we have the title belt. We will win this game".

"You better be! Or else you will regret living in this world", then the third bell rang signaling for the third game.

"I bet you already show up your styles. Its time for you to go back to the mountain area again",Rock Lee hissed to Sasuke.

"Excited much huh?",Sasuke smirk over his opponent, "Don't you ever heard the saying that 'Lightinging strike once', its might be the time you're the one who should hide in mountain area",then Sasuke punched Lee straight to his face which make him stumble over the floor.

"Damn you!",Rock Lee shouted and then he run ahead attacking Sasuke. But the Uchiha guy is more prepared than his opponent,he bring out his right fist and did upper cut which makes Rock Lee to stand back and kneel on the floor.

"Dammit!",Coach Gai said angrily and brought out his gun to point out to Sasuke, "Go to hell!",and then a gun shot was heard all over the boxing arena.

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