chapter 6

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Sakura POV

Its been a week since Sasuke gone and went to the city of Konoha. Its acctually so quiet here in Shan Mountain area. Everyday,I wake up and look out into the balcony of the house and gazed throughout my surroundings. Then,I will cook my food and read some books at library until I pass out at night and sleep in my bed.

I never acctually go out in the house. I never wants too.

Its such a boring days.



Sakura immediately woke up when she heard the loud sound near to the window of her bedroom. She rub her eyes and started to sit up from her bed when she saw a pair of hands near to the end of her bed.

"Ahhhhhh!",she bloody scream.

"What the fuck! My ears!",a man's voice said and started to get up from the floor.

Sakura knew immediately that voice!


"Sasuke!",she scream "you're here", her heart is beating so fast inside her chest knowing that he is acctually here.

"Yeah, sorry for not so quiet landing",Sasuke shyly smiled. He put his hand at the back of his head and started to composed himself.

Sakura get up from her bed and stand near to him.

Isn't it a dream? He is acctually here.

"Well Sakura, hmmm", he said looking so confused and blushing.


"You might like to cover yourself",he said. Turning his back with pinkish shed of blush to his cheeks.


Sakura look on herself and her face turned deeply into crimson red realizing she just wear a thin see-through white shirt. She do not wear any pants or pajama last night knowing she is alone at the house. She also decided not to wear any bra at all. Her nipples are visibly stood erect to her breast. Her lace black undies are easily seen too.

She immediatly get back to bed and cover herself with her blanket.

"Get out!",she said.

"Hn", Sasuke replied but did not move from his spot.

"I told you to get out!",she repeat.

"Fine, but we will go out and do jogging",he said.

"What?", she ask

Sasuke took a step towards her and stand near beside her. He smirk.

"Well, Nana Chiyo said you never get out from this house. No wonder you looks so pale",he said seriously. "You only have ten minutes to prepare",and then Sasuke walk away from her bedroom but on the way out he turn again and smirk, "I can break down the door once you did not make it in ten minutes. By the way, nice breast".

Sakura throw pillow to him but he immediately closed the door while chuckled at her outburst.


They do jogging all around the place once more like they used to do in the morning before Sasuke went to the city. But this time they used to chats and have good conversation about the things happened on them in the weeks passed.

Sakura felt that Sasuke is starting to trust her now. He used to opened to her the things about his boxing career and those sad moments where he need to endure for failing to win the heavyweight championship.

"If I am coming back again into the gym,would you come with me?",Sakura was taken back by his question. She stop in her trace and look Sasuke into his eyes.

It would be a risk. He will knew my true identity once am came back in the city.

"Do you really mean that?",she ask sincerely. Sasuke smile genuine to her and turn his full attention towards the pink-hair lady. He put his hands on his hips and smirk to her.

"I want you to be there",he answered.

"Why?",she ask again.

"I feel comfortable with you. I mean,while am preparing again to come back to boxing ring,I want to always see you near me", he replied truthfully, "its weird feeling but I feel so calm when you are with me".

Does he starting to fall inlove to me?

Sasuke look deeply into her eyes and smile kindly to her. Sakura cannot believe to the words he said. She never imagined that the popular and the rich boxing figther is starting to get attracted towards her.

"Come with me in Konoha City. I will never take no from you",he added.

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