chapter 13

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"Double the dosages we normally give to him", Coach Gai said to Doctor Kabuto. But the physician refused to abide his request.

"You do not know what you are doing. Rock Lee's body will be overdose and it might lead to his quick death",he reasoned out but Coach Gai turn to face him and brought his right hand to hold him into his neck.

"I am already getting pissed off by your unlimited comments. Don't bring the beast out of me!",he tighted his hold that makes the physician shake in fear. Then he shove him out of his way which makes Doctor Kabuto to fall down into the floor of labolatory. He cough and in deep breathing.

One day you're evil desires will be destroyed. Doctor Kabuto thought.


"It will only three days before my fight but you're men still not yet find Sakura", Sasuke said to his coach. They just finish the training hours and still remain inside the gym. Coach Kakashi is sitting across from him and checking his vitals.

"We tried to call her number but she never answered it", Coach Kakashi said.

"We need to find her", Sasuke argue.

"You have fight three days from now, at least focused your attention to Rock Lee",the older man said.


"Focus to bring back your title Sasuke!", Coach Kakashi hissed, " I am doing everything to find Sakura. Last night, Doctor Kabuto have talked to me, he said that Coach Gai kidnapped Sakura".

"What! Then we should rescue her",he said.

"I already ordered my men to follow secretly Coach Gai to find out where is Sakura. But we need to be careful. He is a dangerious man. We don't know what he can do. Karin was reported missing. In my point of view, Coach Gai might know where she is too. I have seen her being with him some few days ago".

"Make Sakura safe where she is ", Sasuke said seriously.

"Of course. But right now, you need to defeat Rock Lee".

No one knows that I injected water to his system. This way, everything he wanted will be crushed into ashes. Kabuto thought to himself while cleaning his medical supplies inside his laboratory.

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