chapter 10

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(The gown of Sakura)

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(The gown of Sakura)

Sakura stared to the semi- gown that she choosed and Sasuke insisted to brought for her  and she  will wear for  the party. Its a baby pink lace knee-length gown. Sasuke said that its style is too simple for his taste. But Sakura wants to remain simple. Being with legendary boxer is trully a special experience but its doesn't mean she needs to throw away her simplicity towards it. She promised to herself to be still simple as it is. She paired her three inches high heels white shoes to her gown and did her make up. Sasuke is already finished to prepare and Nana Chiyo informed her that he is already at the sitting room,satt at the sofa and reading some newspaper.

"You looks so beautiful,child", Nana Chiyo said when she went inside the room and saw Sakura in front of her dresser and doing her hair. Pink blushed pass on Sakura's cheeks.

"Thank you Nana Chiyo", she responce silently. She stared to her reflection in the mirror infront of her dresser and her green eyes shone brightly seeing her images. She almost do not recognized herself. This is the first time she will be with Sasuke into special event.

"Sasuke will surely adored you",she added while walking towards her and help her to stand up. Even Sakura wears the three inches high heels shoes,she knows that she will only reach Sasuke's shoulders due to her not so tall height. She remembers how many socialized and rich beautiful women wants to request Sasuke to become their escort in every parties and special gatherings. Sasuke always used to choosed tall women with long legs and have a very sexy body. It is really a shame that he will be paired to someone who is not have good height as him like her. She just hope Sasuke will be not dissappointed to her.

"Let's go down now, young master will surely be confused what took you so long in dressing up", the older woman said.

"You're right Nana Chiyo",she said.

Sasuke stop reading the newspaper when he heard the clicking of heels  going down to the stairs. He lifted his face and his mouth gasped when he saw the woman he loved who is walking down in aisle.
Her hair was in a bun and some strands falls on her cheeks to give empasized to her slender neck which wear a white pearl necklace. Her slim and long legs are visible from her knee length gown and he let out a breath knowing some other guys will surely stares on her. He almost want to bring his arms encircling to her small waist and don't let anyone come near her.

"You are so beautiful my princess", he said while standing up and walk towards her when she reach the last step. He bow down to her like a knight in shining armor and bring out her right smooth hand to kiss.
Sakura felt butterflies inside her stomach. She felt warm knowing Sasuke likes her. She looks on Sasuke and he looks stunning and very handsome in his black formal suit clothes. He was so tall and she needed to raise up her head in order to gazed to his eyes.

"Does my height did not matter to you", she almost kick herself when she heard that words from her mouth. She almost want to face palm herself.

Sasuke staight up from his form and lifted a brow to her question. He looks to Sakura up and down as if she is trully infront of him. Then let out a chuckle. "Acctually, I like what you are, princess. I feel so manly strong when beside you", he brought out his hand and touch Sakura's jaw to lifted up, " I like to bent down on you. You always makes me feel I wanna kiss you",he said. He is bringing down his head to kiss her when Nana Chiyo immediately said to them that he should not ruin the make up of Sakura. Sasuke almost pout hearing those words and Sakura heard him grumbling "damn old woman".


The party looks so nice and aura of sophistication is all over the place. Sakura knew from the start that Karin was a rich spoiled girl. So its no wonder that she will crawled up to Sasuke to be his woman. But Sasuke never even pay attention towards her.

She walk away from the crowd after greeting the some friends of Sasuke. She went into the terrace and let out a deep breath. Being with rich and sophisticated people is not her taste. So she decided to widraw herself for some time. She saw a while ago that Sasuke is speaking to some of his partners into his business and they are engage into deep conversation. So she let Sasuke to take his time.

She gazed out into the dark sky and look out to the half moon shone above.  It was so quiet into the place like this and only does this mansion of Karin's are still shone brightly due to the party tonight.

"Such a lovely view",she heard someone said and she turn her head  and greeted by Sasuke who is walking towards her. His hands on the pocket of his pants. He wink on her and smile sweetly. She smile back.

"Yes it is. The moon is so beautiful",she said.

"But am not speaking about the moon",he said when he reach her and stand up beside her. Sakura stared confuse towards him and he smile lovingly to her. "You are so beautiful",he said. He bring out his hand from his pocket and revealed a red small box. He opened it and let Sakura see the gold ring with one diamond inside of it.

"Sakura, I know its so soon for this but I want you. I want us to be engaged before I fight again in boxing ring. Then after the fight,lets get married. I cannot live without you anymore. I want you to be beside me as always",he confessed.

Sakura was so stunned to his proposal and she just stared deeply towards the ring in front of her. "Sasuke-",

"Just say yes sweetheart",he softly pleaded.

"I love-", but before Sakura said another word, Karin let out a creeply laugh.

"Sorry to ruin this sweet scenes but Sasuke,before you do something foolish again,do you know who is the one you are proposing?",she said.

"Stop ruining my life Karin", he replied.

"Oh really? Then how about her?",Karin pointed out to Sakura "do you even know that she is a journalist who is pretending to make you fall inlove to her to take your wealth?".

Sakura widen her eyes to what she heard. She covered her lips with her hands. She knows one day the truth will be revealed but not like this. How could Karin knew her identity?

"Stop lying!", Sasuke clutched his palm. He is enraged.

"Here see for yourself",Karin brought out a brown enveloped and give it to Sasuke. He take this and open it to read some documents inside. There were also some pictures attached on it.

"So, looks who is liar now",she mocked and smile victorious towards the poor wench who is shaking softly. Sakura's eyes held tears which falling down to her cheeks, " don't ever think you can fool me slut". Then Karin walk away from them.

Sakura look out to Sasuke and she felt scared to the deep pain she saw to his face. He was clutching the papers infront of him and having deep breath.

"A journalist",he said after a while.

"Sasuke-",she reach out her arms towards him but she frozed to the cold and angry voice she heard.

"Don't ever touch me",he ripped out the papers and let it fall in the ground. He turn his back and leave her behind. She tried to run to him but stopped herself. Her tears falls unstoppable and she feels so hurt knowing that Sasuke rejected her. She knew one day this will happen but she did not prepare herself for the impact of pain she will felt. She loves him so much but this might be the end for them.

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