chapter 11

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(Three months later)

I look out on the television screen in front of the cafè I am in to eat lunch. They are featuring Uchiha Sasuke, the legendary boxer who is engage in trainings and practises. He is currently doing shadow boxing while his assistants and Coach Kakashi are patiently watching his movements.

Since the night that Sasuke had knew that am a journalist,he never say any single words to me. He lock on his room and did not come out since in morning. Then the another day,he went out to Konoha City by himself and comfront Coach Kakashi. But since Coach Kakashi is a near relatives and he treated him as his second father,its very easy for him to forgive it. But in my account, he ordered me never to show my face anymore. He said, he regret the times he meet me,that's break my heart, I cried for every single nights am not wit him and miss him terribly but I cannot do anything but to accept that Sasuke already dump me and then I decided to go back to my career. If our editor-in-chief wants me to cover up the training session of Sasuke for sports news, I eventually decline it even all my co-journalist are eager to be near with the legendary boxer except me. I told her that I rather choose the boring sessions of new athletes playing football than having interview with Mr. Uchiha,that makes our editor-in-chief left mouth open wide in shock.


I was interrupted by my mobile ringing inside my pocket. I saw the name of our editor in chief at the screen.

"Good morning Ms.Tsunade", I answered

"Good morning Sakura,can you please come to my office after your luch break. I have something to discuss to you", she said over the other line.

" Okey ",I simply said. After I came back from my leave vacation, i engage myself at work. I work for 18 hours a day to exhause myself just to forget Sasuke. In that way, I would not able to remember him but I failed everytime I went home and lay alone at the bed.

It took me 15 minutes to go to the office of Ms. Tsunade. I knock on her door and went inside.

"Oh you're here,my hardworking journalist",she greeted me.

"What's the new assignment?", I ask her. She sat up in her chair and bring out a piece of paper at front of me. I took it and read whats inside.

"No way!",I said and give back the paper to her.

"Why not?, You will just have a small interview with Mr. Uchiha Sasuke. Kaitline is sick and she cannot captured the work so I need someone to replace her and you is one of the best journalist I have", she said.

"Am sorry but I cannot do it",

"For what reason?",

"Its just I cannot do it",I insisted. She just look at straight in the eyes and then smirk.

"Tell me Sakura, Is Sasuke is your boyfriend?", I almost choke to her words.

"Of course not!", I said in gritted teeth. I do not know if am going to run from her or eventually kick her to senses.

"Then there is no reason for you to avoid him. For almost three months you did not have coverage about him. Its time you get back to work",she said seriously. I just left mouth open in her demand and I just took deep breath.


"Take her away from here!", I heard his cold words behind the door of his room inside the boxing gym. In the first place, its a wrong idea that I will be having interview with him. I knew that he hate me so much. This makes my eyes watered in tears. Knowing that the one you love do not want to speak with you anymore and avoid you. I was left stone when suddenly the door in front of me opened harshly.

"Get out!", he said in front of me. Tears fall in my eyes hearing his angry words. I just curtly nod at him and turn on my back. When I went out from the gym, my assistant journalist and our camera man come beside me. When they saw the tears I shed, they just took a deep breath and did not ask anymore. After that insident, I took my resignation in being a journalist and move away from Konoha City. I took a job as nurse in an  health center in small province of Wong. I promised to myself that I will never show myself to Sasuke again.

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