chapter 16

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"Punch!",the sound of sand bag being hit was heard all over the gym. Today is a busy day for the gym of Coach Kakashi. They just launched out a enrollment for new trainees of the boxing gym and they got selected four new potential boxing fighter in the future. Overall,they had ten new students and Sasuke volunteered to trained some of them.

"Sensei can we please take a rest? My body hurts from our morning run",one boy said to Sasuke after five hours of continuing exercises.

"If you wanted to be a real boxing fighter,then you should get ready to trained your body beyond your limit", Sasuke replied  giving him a hard look.

"We are going to die of exhaustion",another one remarked. This make Sasuke irritated.

"Do you want me to kill you now before you get die out of exhausted?!",he hissed out. His students got scared by scream. But even before he step closer to his students someone knocked gis head out. Sasuke angrily face the one who  did that

"Damn you-",Sasuke was left shocked when he saw her standing behind him.

"Is that how you greet me Mr.Uchiha?", she said laughing out for seeing him shocked and speechless.

"Sakura",then he crossed the distance between them and hugged her tightly. But he released her quickly after she complained to him that she can't breath properly.

"You should at least call me and am the one must assists you going out from hospital after you wake up",Sasuke said while they are dining out to one of prestigious restaurant. As ussual, Sakura complained to him for taking her to a famous restaurant. But Sasuke insisted that she means too much for him that if she wish to buy this restaurant,he will never doubt to do just that her.

"The doctor said am fully recovered and Coach Kakashi said you are almost busy in training out your students so I decided not to bother you",she replied while watching him cutting out the apples into small pieces and feeding her one by one.

"You still should call me",he argued.

"Relax,Shikamaru is with me. Am the one who requested to visit you in the gym. At least I stop you from turtoring alive your new students",she smile sweetly to him. Sasuke let out a sign and smile lovingly to her too.

"I love you",he said. He take out the ring from his pocket. This is the ring he brought before which he show to her at the house of Karin. "This time am willing to do everything to bring you back to me. Let me make you fall inlove to me. Am ready to do what you want. I loose you once,am not going to loose you again. Am not going to stop not until you become mine again Sakura. I love you. Please let's get married",he seriously said. Sasuke put the ring to her index finger. The diamond at the middle of it shone brightly agaisnt the soft and smooth skin of Sakura.

"You do not need to do that",she replied. Sasuke look on her,silently asking her in question. "I love you too",when this words left out to Sakura's lips,he did not wasted any seconds to kiss her passionately and hugged her tightly.

"I'll make sure we get married as soon as possible",he said between kisses. She moan in return which is sweet music to his ears.

Oh really, how I wish I was able to write some hentai as epilogue of this story after being affected by their kisses. But I knew not some of you are willing to read it so I will just dedicated it to those who are open minded. Thank you😉

Sakura POV

I just came out from the bathroom. I took a long and warm shower after the all-day event of our wedding day. I  encicled my wet locks with towel and wear a white bathrub. I saw my newly husband (Sasuke), sitting patiently on the bed while watching some news on television. When he notice me standing few feets from him,he smile sweetly to me and patted the bed next to him. I walk slowly towards him.

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