chapter 7

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"Coach Kakashi, Sasuke is starting to go back to his career",Sakura said over her mobile phone. She sat at the sofa while waiting for Sasuke to arrive. They decided to watch movie together at her home.

"That was the most interesting thing I heard in the past months",the older man exclaimed, "good job Sakura, am going to double your salary every months. Am starting to deposit amounts in your bank account. You are such a great help",he said that he couldn't even hide his excitement towards the good news.

The legendary boxing figther is starting to rock again the arena!

"Coach Kakashi, regarding about the money",Sakura said, " I think-"

"Do not worry about it. Any amount you want is I can give. You are giving hope to my favorite fighter and its all I can repay you dear",he said excited.
This makes Sakura clutched her knuckles. She deeply inhaled and closed her eyes.

"Coach, am giving back to you all the amount of money you deposited in my account",she immediately said.

"What? Why? Does it not enough?",he ask.

"You are starting to insult me Mr. Hatahe Kakashi!",she said angrily,she gritted her teeth and hold tightly the phone over her ears. "Since the moment I aggreed to our plan to bring back Sasuke in the boxing ring,I do not ask for any amount of money. I told you that am doing it because of my pure trust and devotion over him. I believe he can bring back hope to his life and raise his name over the criticizing journalists who lambasted his personality. I want him to stand up again and show to all people who put him down that the legendary boxing figther is not yet done....",she paused a minute then deeply breath, " I am longing to see again the passion he uses to show in playing boxing again. Looking at him full of courage and determination is enough for me to never stop my appreciation over him. I love him, i love him that its starting to get hurts."

Coach Kakashi stand still to other line of the call. He does not even uttered a word by the confession that the young lady revealed. He do not have idea that Sakura loves him a lot behind. Maybe that is true love. Being a wind beneath the wings of an eagle who help it to raise up high.

"Very well then Ms.Sakura",Kakashi smiled genuine to the young lady. "To tell you honestly, you impress me a lot,young lady. Now I realized why Sasuke is starting to go back to the boxing ring. I admire your passion",he said smilling. "I also bet that he is starting to get attracted to you.

Sakura blushed to the things that the coach said.

"But coach, I had some things to clarify",she said.

"What it is?",

"Sasuke wants me to stay with him when he go back to the gym",

"Hmmmm",he just said.

"It will be a risk coach. He hates journalists. He do not tolerate a journalist come near him. Once we came back to the city, my identity will surely revealed",she said. She really feel so hurt by lying to Sasuke in the first place. But she cannot stop the situation right now. Her goal is to bring back Sasuke to his passion again. But she didn't realized that Sasuke is starting to get attracted towards her.

"Well as of now young lady, be calm and enjoy your moments with Sasuke. Treasures it with all your heart. Let us cross the bridge when we get there",he said. "We all know he will be get angry. But I will do all I can yo protect you. Thats the only way I can show my gratitude towards your hardwork to lifted the spirit of my figther",he promised.

"Thank you so much Coach Kakashi",she said kindly.

A knock on the door interrupted her from her call. She said her goodbyes to the old man and turn off her phone.

She breath deeply before walking towards the door and open it.

"Hello there",Sasuke greeted cheerfully and lifted her hands holding a bag with bunch of ships and popcorns "I bet we will enjoy a lot watching movies while having these".

Sakura laugh softly and let him go inside ,"I bet so".

They are watching the movie Face Off ,and Sakura felt that Sasuke is staring at her from time to time. She is sitting in a single sofa while hugging her knees to her chest and Sasuke is sat comfortably at the sofa beside her. This is their third movie that they had been watched. And none of them are not yet got bored.

"Staring is a crime,Mr.Uchiha",she said softly while.looking at the movie scene. She heard Sasuke chuckle.

"I know but you looks so cute out there. You looks like a baby",he said laughting.

"And you looks like a monster over there",she teased back. They let out a chuckled together.

"This the first time I experience this satisfaction",he said a while ago while looking intently at the uoung woman beside him.

"What do you mean?",she asked.

"My exfiancè before,she used to always be with the crowd",he let out a deep breath, " she always want to be the highlight of television news and we never had a chance to stay together by ourselves alone. We used to travel at different places".

Sakura turn her gazed over the young man beside him. Sasuke was looking deeply towards her eyes and she felt as if she get melt inside by his look.

"I feel so calm with you,Sakura",he said. "I knew its so early to say this but,I think am falling inlove with you",

Sakura was shock to what she heard. She opened her mouth to speak something but she couldn't even form words to say. She was took speechless. She just lay there sitting beside him and looking intently on him. She open her mouth again to say something but even before she speak up,she felt Sasuke's lips claim hers.

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