chapter 3

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"Coach,do you think Miss will be able to convice Sir Sasuke to return to boxing arena?",a young man asked. He wears a red shirt and white pants. He is the organizer of the Red Eagle Boxing Gym located at the city of Konoha. He had been working to this gym ever since Sasuke starts to have passion in boxing.

A man in middle aged of thirtees turn towards the younger man and simply gave a chuckle.

"What do you think,Keji?",he asked

"Well....huh,am just thinking about it. She looks so stubborn the moment we told her that Sasuke will never return again in his boxing career. She looks so determined to bring back him to his passion where he spends ten years to practise and trained himself. Absolutely,she was so confident...",he said.

"Then,it answered your own question", the man said. Then he smiled. He walked slowly towards his office table and sit on his chair. He crossed his arms and lifted his gazed to the younger man infront of him.

"It had been ten years since Sasuke comes here and starts to do his boxing career. She came here everyday to secretly gazed over him. Such a pretty young lady with absolutely uncommon pink hair. All I can say is she falls inlove to Sasuke back then but secretly hides it. She becomes a journalist after that and secretly took Sasuke's pictures while he is having training. In all his fights and match,she is there",the older man said. His eyes now are closed by remembering that memories.

"Such a devotion,isn't?",Keji replied and smiled to himself. "This the reason she looks distressed when Sasuke just throwed away his passion because of just loosing one important game. I wonder,what will she do to pull back Sasuke again".

"All we can do is wait and leave it all to her", the older man said.

"As you said so,coach Kakashi", and the young man started to walked out of the office.


Sasuke is just come back from his jogging. He wear a white shirt and a blue basketball short now with white shoes. His torso was so firm and hard. His muscles are proudly stood out and always ready for exercises.

He walked toward the house when he spotted Sakura is looking out on her window in her appointed room. After the incident,he decided to let the lady stay in his house while she is injured. Its not a wise decision to let her go back to her villa while she cannot even walked on her own. It had been three days since the incident happened. And every day,he used to wake up early,do jogging,come back home,eat breakfast,visit her on her room,eat lunch and go out. He will ussually come back home before eight at night and have little chat with her before going to sleep.

"Just came back huh?",Sakura lazily said to him when he come inside to her room. She just sit on the side of her bed and reading a book.

Sasuke just shrugged his shoulders and sit at the chair infront of her. "Well,I just hope your knees will be recovered soon. Am looking forward to bring you with me to exercise",he said, "You looks so pale. You need sunlight".

"That's what am thinking too. Its also so bored here", she said, "Can I ask you a question?".

"What is is?"

"You said you are a boxing fighter before. Why you quit?", this is it Sakura. One step at the time

Sasuke suddenly stop when he heard her question. His light mood quickly become dull.

"Why you wanted to know?",he coldly asked. His eyes never left her face.

Sakura suddenly felt awkward in the situation.

Seems like I ruined his day

She is silently afraid to the intense gazed that Sasuke giving on her. But she needs to pretend or else her mission will be failed.

She raised her head and smiled sweetly to him that makes Sasuke got confused.

"Because I want to know you more",she said simply. "You are my hero", and then she laughed.

Sasuke just stared on her.

"You are so childish,sometimes",he replied and put his one hand behind his head. His expression is not dull now. He returned to his demeanor a while ago.

"Well, acctually I loved my boxing career",he started. His face was so serious.

Sakura gazed on him.

"After that fight, I saw their faces", Sakura knew exactly what he is telling about. She was there. It was the final round in that game. Sasuke,despite of exhausted and cuts on his face,he remained standing at the one corner of the boxing ring. His body is ready to collapse any moment but he refused to given up. He raised his hands which covered by boxing gloves and put one foot infront of him. He shows to everyone he can still fight. And then his opponent come forward on him. He hook one punch,multiple jags and side hook on him. He showered him with punch and his defensed almost give up. And then in one uppercut punch,he was throw down on his knees and fall on the ground. That moment, Allisia,his girlfriend snorted at him. Followed by the multiple audience in the arena that felt dissappointed on his performance.

"Hey, why are you crying?",Sasuke asked when he saw her tears fall down in her face.

"Huh!!??",Sakura quickly wipe her tears, " Its nothing! " she shakes her head to wake up herself from that memory.

"Are you sure you are alright?", he asked again.

But before she answered, Nana Chiyo walked inside the room and bring their breakfast.

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