chapter 2

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Sakura POV

Will she be fine?

How long will she be unconcious?

How about her right leg?

I heard a lot of voices in my head. Most of it are from an old woman. I feel a lot of pain all over my body and my right leg seems like numb.

I tried to open my eyes but my eyelids are glued on it. I tried again and then all I can see was blurry images of people all around me. I closed my eyes again and open it.

"Are you alright,child?", an old woman asked me. She wear an black blouse and red long skirt. Her eyes are blue and her hairs are graying due to being in old age. She looks serene and kind.

"Where am I?",I ask her. I tried to sit up but I quickly regret it by the pain spread all over my body specially in my right leg.

"Be careful", an middle-aged man said. He wear an reading glass and he had silver hair. He looks like an doctor from his looks since he wear a white coat and brought a black bag. "You had sprayed knee on your right leg and I suddggest you should not move your weight in it".

"Sprayed knee?", I asked him.

"Yes it is. Looks like you fall down young lady? ",he inquire.

I tried to remeber what happened on me before I lost my conciousness. I decided to do jogging in this remote mountain area. While enjoying listening to my ipod and remebering my ultimate crush Sasuke Uchiha, I did not notice the cliff at front of me. I fall down and only remembered the pain in my right knee before blackness over take me.

"Yes I do doctor", I answered sincerely. "May I know how you found me?",I asked them.

"We do not found you", the old woman said, " By the way I am Nana Chiyo, the care taker of this villa. This morning Sir Sasuke found you".

Sir Sasuke?


Sasuke Uchiha?

My cheeks burned at the thought that the once famous boxing fighter found me. He rescued me. And brings me home.

But they should not know that I knew who is Sasuke Uchiha. Otherwise they will suspect me for my purpose of being here.

"Who's Sasuke? ", I ask and bit my lips for lying.

Everbody knows who is Sasuke,but Kami I have to pretend I do not know him.

Nana Chiyo gasped and looks bewildered on me. She might be confused.

"You do not know him?",she asked.

I nodd my head.

"This the first time that I heard someone says that", a voice I heard and knew immediately who is the owner of that voice.

Sasuke Uchiha

A footsteps can be heard and he walked near me. He wore a fit blavk shirt and gray sweatpants with matching white rubber shoes. His biceps are strong and firm. His hard chest and sic packs can be outline through the shirt he is wearing. His raven hair are slightly wet. Maybe he just took a shower.

His eyes are black and his lips seal into straight line.

The way he stares on me is as if he can see my soul inside my body. My heart beats so fast inside my body. All I can do is stares back on him and blushed.

"Ah Sir Sasuke,you are here",Nana Chiyo said.

"How is she?",Sasuke asked the doctor.

"Well,as I can observe she will be fine. She just need to rest and makes sure she will not put weight on her sprayed knee. After two weeks,she can able to walk again", the doctor said and the raven haired man just nod on him.

"Andro is already outside waiting for you,doctor. Thank you for coming here",Sasuke said.

"I will go now then",Doctor Kabuto replied. He takes his blcak bag and went out of the room.

"I think I should go now too. I need to prepare dinner now",Nana Chiyo said  leaving me and the raven haired alone into the room.

After she left,Sasuke took a chair and sat on it near beside me.

"Am Sasuke,the owner of this house,and you?", he inquire.

"Sakura....Haruno Sakura",I answered.

He nod at me then he stares at me again.

"Do we meet sometime ago?",he ask.

Oh no. Does he know me?

Calm down Sakura!

"I don't think so",I said. He look at me in my eyes and I am shaking inside.

"You seems familiar",he said.

"How can it be? I don't even know you",I lied again and have fake laugh.

Sasuke look at me again and then he shakes his head.

"Sorry,maybe I am just little tired",he said after a while . "What are you doing in this place? I found you at the muddy ground".

"I am having vacation here. Am staying at my uncles house. In Millandro's village near in your house",I said.

"Are you alone there?",he ask again.



"Am sorry but its confidential",I told him. He stares at me again and deeply breath.

"For a beautiful girl like you,staying all alone in a vacation house is a big issue",he said as if he is a professor lecturing me," what if I did not rescue you? No one knows you are in the forest area on this place. You should at least be careful".

"I know,and thank you for helping me",I said sincerely.

"Let me guess",he said and then he smile on me, " you stay here because of problem in here right?",he point his chest directly in his heart.

He thought am broken hearted too

I mentally slapped my face. But it will be better.

"Yes", I simply said.

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