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Jimin and Namjoon were then left behind, dumbfounded and relieved due to their own different reasons. Jimin was more relieved because now he might be able to enjoy himself-yes he was still in a slight stage of shock, but this would give him an opportunity to talk with Jin and even to reflect on what he'd done. For Namjoon, he was more excited and relived because now was his chance to get a second opinion as to what he should get Suga, as well as some time to bond with his former band member.
He looked ton Jim in and shrugged before he linked arms with the slightly shorter Hyung and they made way out of the game store," I suppose that means you are stuck with me for the time being," Namjoon said quietly, looking both ways before he chose to go straight. The stores that way seemed promising, and though he had no idea what he might get his lovely boyfriend, if it were meant to be, the moment he laid eyes on something he'd know right away.
"Namjoon," Jimin said softly, walking closely beside the giant," I wanted to apologize for any trouble I might have caused.." Despite his avoidance of Namjoon's face, it was evident in his voice that he was doing his best to be sincere and all that Namjoon could do was listen, and Jimin continued.
" I'm sure by now Suga has told you about our relationship, and.. I know I'm not good for him, I know that. I've known that since we started dating.." He let out a soft sigh, and Namjoon kept his head forward. He would continue walking for as long as his friend would need him to until he got whatever he need off his chest, but he needed to interrupt him just a moment.
"Look, I don't approve of what you've done to Suga up until now. It disgusts me to know that you'd go so far as to use him. So don't think that I'm listening because I trust. I'm listening because if I don't none of this will be resolved, and I want nothing more than to make sure Yoongi is happy. I don't mean to sound rude, Hyung, but I'm not going to let you hurt him anymore th-" Namjoonwas cut off by a sudden hand on his mouth and Jimin wore a knowing smirk.
"I know you don't, and I don't expect you to trust me at all. I'm disgusting, and I need to realize he doesn't love me anymore-if he ever did." Jimins voice has taken on another tone and he removed his hand from Namjoon's mouth, crossing his arms over his chest," You will take much better care of him than I ever could, and just looking at you two makes me sick you're so..." He waved his left hand in the air for a moment before snapping and pointing to Namjoon." Connected. It pissed me off when I noticed you two started flirting, but that was because I knew Suga had been long out if my reach and because I knew I was no competition for you..." This sort of talk went on for quite some time, and Namjoon listened silently. If this was going to help Jimin process whatever he needed to.
After about fifteen minutes, Namjoon finally spoke up, and was honest as Jimin was about the situation. He knew Jimin wasn't exactly happy about Suga and his relationship, but all he cared about was that he would acknowledge the very fact that Suga was involved with someone and wasn't in love with him any longer, and Jimin did.
Somehow while all of this went, they managed to stop by a couple of stores. Progressively, the conversation moved onto something much lighter, and they were able to laugh amongst the two of them and go from shop to shop, acting like a bunch of monekys.

It took them roughly an hour and a half, and by now they'd been sitting on one of the resting benches in the middle of all of the shops, posted up against once another and laughing breathlessly. So, things were not great, but at least they'd been able to express themselves to one another in a clear and more calm sort of fashion. Jimin stated he wasn't happy, but that he knew better than to do anything stupid. Namjoon could only hope he would refrain from anything more. Namjoon made it apparent that he was not okay with how Jimin acted, and that he isn't happy with Jimin, but they both agreed to be on their best behaviour with one another and Jimin more specific toward Suga.
As they sat there, they came to the conclusion that it was time to call the other two and see where they were at. Namjoon went on to grab his phone and brought up Yoongi's contact, pressing the French button beside his number and holding the phone up to his ear, but being the icon he had for Suga's photo only reminded him of the bag that he had in his lap, and really.. he was dying to see what Suga's reaction to its contents might be. After all, he did have the help of someone who knew Yoongi relatively well~
"Yoongi Hyung~don't ignore me, please pick up your phone,"

"You know, Jimin really hates how he treated you.." Jin said out of the blue.
"What do you mean?" Suga asked baffled by Jin's sudden confession.
"I mean, he feels incredibly guilty for how he treated you. He knows he was in the wrong, and I know it may take years for you to forgive what he did to you but I also know it'd really help him out of you could show that you're at least aware of how he feels." Jin suggested nonchalantly like they were discussing ice cream flavors. All Suga did as a reply was nod his head. Jin really was the mom of the group, he always knew what was going on drama-wise, what was bothering you, and how to make you feel 100x better. "Oh look! Maybe we should buy a maid outfit for you to wear for Joonie~" Jin suggested, sounding completely serious while walking towards a sex/lingerie shop. And Jin had Suga going for a couple seconds before breaking into a fit of laughter. "I'm kidding Suga, try not to look so frightened." Jin laughed probably enjoying the younger's surprise a bit too much.
Suga was so surprised with Jin that he almost didn't notice the buzzing coming from the front pocket of his jeans. "Hold on a sec Jin, I think I'm getting a call." Suga said, moving to the side of the walk way so he want prevent the other people from getting to where the wanted to go. "Hello?" Suga asked genuinely as he didn't bother checking who was calling. He spoke with Namjoon a bit and then hung up. "Let's go meet up with the guys," Suga smiled at Jin. "Thank you again for all of your help." Suga smiled gratefully to his hyung before peeking down at the relatively decent sized black box in his hands. Suga placed it in one of his shopping bags making sure it was secure before the two made their way to where Jimin and Namjoon were. It didn't take them long to meet up with the other two as they were much closer than they would've guessed. The first thing Suga did when he saw the two was walk over and grab onto Namjoon's hand.

While they waited for Jin and Suga to meet back up with them, Namjoon looked over his shoulder at Jimin and held up his hand for a high-five, which was thankfully given," Thanknyou for being honest with me today. And thank you for helping me pick this out for Yoongi. I appreciate it, man." He said genuinely, offering Jimin a soft smile and reaching over to ruffle up his hair. Jimin just scoffed, and despite his swatting if Namjoon's hands, was wearing even the smallest of smiles. It was no surprise to Namjoon that he was trying to hide it, though. It was a bit if a cheesy moment, but those were the best types.
All that there was left to worry about, was how he might go about giving Yoongi his present. Well, there were two things, but that part wasn't totally important? For now, he'd just do his best to focus on the the very man the gifts were for as he and Jin walked over. Jimin stood up first and stretched his arms out, and then Namjoon rose to his feet, accepting Suga's hand without a moments hesitation and the two paper bags in his free hand.
"Oh~What did you get, hmm?" He asked with him and both of his brows raised, pointing to the bags in his hyungs hands while glancing over at Jin. "I'll bet you dragged him off to /that/ kind of place.. You not so innocent Hyung.."

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