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"I'll be extra careful. We both know I'm good at breaking things." He said softly, his cheeks turning a soft pink the more he thought about the fact that they shared the same thought. And.. he could get over how adorable the figurines were, and because they came from Suga.. It made him feel all warm and loved. These were the kinds of things he'd cherish until he no longer could.
He sat the box aside, putting the lid on top of it. Needless to say his dimples were showing and his eyes were bright during this entire exchange, and once he got the bag with Suga's present, he set it on the ground in front of him and pulled out a small, cube box with the words Polaroid printed across it. He turned it around so the label was facing Suga and then held it out to him," I remember updating you like taking pictures, and these were on sale.. It's a Polaroid camera, so once you take the photo it prints it out. It's o vividly a lot more often than the original ones so it's a lot easier to carry around with you." Once he realised he was talking he quickly shut himself up." Anyway.. I got you a white one. Also!" He waited until the box was in Suga's hands before pulling a small, fuzzy little stuffed bear with oink eyes and light brown fur and a black little bow tie around his neck." I know it's kind of generic, but I thought it was cute and I thought of you when I saw it.." he spoke quietly, feeling a bit embarrassed as he went on, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

Suga gently took the box with the word Polaroid on it from Namjoon and just stared in awe unable to say anything. He knew exactly what was in the box and has wanted one for the longest time, and the fact that it was in his favorite color made his heart swell. He knew exactly what he wanted to do with this and was determined to make it happen. He was even more surprised when a small stuffed bear was placed in his lap. It was absolutely adorable and had the softest fur. Suga couldn't believe how generous Namjoon had been with the gifts. Suga felt like he could start tearing up, start laughing or start screaming but somehow, he remained silent. Suga sat still for a couple moments, his mouth most likely hanging open, and thought about how he'll ever say thank you for such thoughtful gifts. He never really was good with words so he decided that showing his thanks with actions would be best. Suga stood up and placed the camera box and bear down on the dresser before doing the same with the present he bought Namjoon. Suga moved and sat on rapmons lap, basically straddling him beige leaning in and giving the younger a passionate kiss. He hoped to god that Namjoon would pick up on the fact that this was the best way he could think of to say thank you to him.

While Suga was starring down at the gifts. Namjoon sat there quietly with his hands in his lap, twiddling his thumbs nervously. He wasn't sure what to take of the silence, being that he was already dying if embarrassment just from presenting the gifts he didn't think being turned down or the gifts being disliked even in the smallest amount sounded like a good idea. He'd been absolutely in love with the gifts Suga had bought him, and as soon as he could find a safe place to bout them on display he would. He'd never seen anything quite as peliculiar and the coloration of them was unlike anything he'd every seen for himself-it was almost like they were carved out of some type of wood, but he knew better because Suga had previously stated that Namjoon should be careful because they were ceramic. His heart was thudding loudly in his ears, and he only looked up when Suga started to move around.
"Yoongi..?" He questioned with much more concern now than he probably ever felt before-this was an exaggeration of course-but in the moment it felt that way. He watched Suga closely from the time he got up to the time he set all of the gifts onto the dresser-and after that well he was just totally surprised.
One moment Suga was standing and the next Namjoon felt a soft pair of lips against his own in what seemed like the most powerful kiss he'd ever experienced in terms of how powerful it was. And not a dominating sort of powerful, but he felt an overwhelming amount of passion. It was gentle as usual, and it felt like Suga's feelings were just being poured out and right onto his lips. It'd be wrong if him not to return this sort of thank you, and he wrapped his arms around Suga's waist, returning the kiss with as much as his body could muster up. After what seemed like only a small while, he pulled away slowly, his cheeks a shade or two darker than before." If that's your way if tha king people, remind me to get you things more often.." He brought his right hand up, and cupped his chin between his thumb and index finger." Thank you so much.."

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