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Suga had honesty expected Namjoon to finish him off with a hand job, but was pleasantly surprised when he continued with his mouth.
The feel of his moist mouth was heaven for Yoongi and he couldn't even comprehend the amount of pleasure he was receiving at the moment. He was still an embarrassingly flustered and moaning mess as groans and whimpers left his mouth constantly with the friction caused by his hand as well as the warmth of his mouth. It all felt so amazing and the tightening in his abdomen just kept growing until it was almost too much to handle. He was able to take one last breath in before his back arched up off the bed before a deep moan filed out of his agape mouth as a majority of his muscles clenched. His arms were shaking and more moans left his mouth as he gripped Namjoon's hairI and well..'m sure you know what happened next.

With how consistent Suga's moans were and the soft gasps he would take.. Namjoon was sure that they were going to get an earful from someone and if they didnt it was then that they should be concerned abiut their members hearing abilities.. He couldnt help but groan against Yoongi's length, because if there was anything that turned him on it was definitely being able to hear that sweet voice.
When it got to the point where Yoongi's back arched, Namjoon prepared himself for what was to come(omfg hahaha). Yoongi's hands were gripping his hair tightly and his voice had reached a volume which was.. well, a bit loud but namjoon didn't mind a bit. It was quite glorious, really..
Namjoon sat up slowly and swallowed hard before coughing a few times, covering his mouth with his right hand shyly, a bit embarrassed at what he'd done..Swallowing-he didn't expect to do it successfully but he was full if all kinds if surprises tonight. After a moment of collecting himself, Namjoon sighed deeply and licked his lips, smoothing his hands up the front Yoongi's thighs and up to his hips slowly." So... I take it you liked it?"

All Yoongi could hear at the moment was his heartbeat in his ears and his own heavy breathing as he came down from his high, but Namjoon's hands running up his thighs to his hips brought him back to the present. Did he like it? Of course he liked it, but Suga wanted to find a way to say it -or rather show it- without looking like a /complete ho. All he did was sit up and push himself onto his knees with weak arms. He sat there for moment, admiring Namjoon's flushed cheeks, lust filed eyes and swollen lips before he finally noticed how hard his boyfriend was; and that's when he figured out how to show his appreciation.

Suga stood up and moved himself so he was kneeling behind Namjoon and went to work. He used both hands to softly massage Namjoon's neck and shoulders for a minute or two before letting his right hand slip to Namjoon's chest. His left hand stayed at work, caressing every spot along the very top of Namjoon's back as his right hand slowly drug along his chest and abdomen.

There was much more if an exchange if words other than that, and Namjoon was even more proud. If he didnt leave Yoongi breathless than he wouldn't have been doing his job correctly. Yoongi had managed to sit himself up and when he did, Namjoon just admired the blush on his cheeks and hiw angelic he looked even at a time like this.

When suga stood up, Namjoon was at first very baffled-maybe he was going to clean up? Was he actually not feeling it as much as namjoon thought? Needless to say, he was relieved when he felt the bed sink some behind him and Yoongi's hands were on him within seconds.
It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what it was yoongi was up to, and Namjoon was more than open to it. He let it head hang forward, growning softly when he felt Yoongi's hands working on the stiff muscles of his shoulders and his neck. He closed his eyes, shivering from the sensation of the hand at his back as well as the one that was being dragged down his torso

Suga couldn't help but let a small smile slip into his lips at Namjoon's small but very noticeable reactions. He let his left hand move lower; he worked and caressed the skin of his upper back, making sure to pay special attention to the areas he knew were sensitive. Although he was paying special attention to his back, he didn't neglect Namjoon's chest and abdomen either.
All the while his hands were doing their thing, Suga when out on a limb and started to place soft and gentle kisses along the top of Namjoon's shoulder, and leading to his neck.

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