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Somewhere along the line, Suga had finished half a sandwich and two entire bags of Jin's chips by himself, as well as moved so he was sitting almost in Namjoon's lap. They'd been watching a marathon for a show called Gravity Waterfall or something along the lines and it was interesting, but Suga don't really pay much attention. He was too preoccupied with watching Namjoon watch the show and with snacking. After a sold 5 minutes of peaceful silence, a sudden burst of noise sounded from outside of the dorms front door. 'I guess they're back,' Suga laughed to himself at the groups tendency to be quite loud and sometimes obnoxious.
"Welcome back!" Suga shouted as the front door swung open, revealing the four members that had abandoned Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin at the dorm.

As peaceful and relaxing as their shared time had been together, Namjoon was more than glad to hear the uneccissarily obnoxious laughter of the rest of the group. If you were to ever expect a quiet entrance while Jhope and Jimin were together, you were sadly mistaken.
When the four boys had finally squeezed in through the door, and Suga had greeted them most enthusiastically, Namjoon looked in the direction of the front door and waved to them with one hand, keeping his other arm wrapped around Yoongi's waist without so much as thinking about how close they were. It had felt relatively natural for them to be like this as of late, so trying to move away from Suga would have seemed weird. Namjoon enjoyed being close to him far too much to be concerned with how it might look anyway.
As usual, it didn't take long for the four boys to get comfortable about the living room. Jungkook had sat down beside Jin, asking his Hyung for some chocolate he'd been munching on and Jin reluctantly shared. Jimin and Jhope and V had taken up the rest of the pallet and once they set their eyes on the remnants of the snacks the boys had indulged in the room seemed to fill with complaints revolving around how mean the three were-all of the complaints being harmless and more aimed to get a laugh out of everyone. Recovering from their disappointment of the lack of snacks left for them, Jhope looked over at Namjoon and Yoongi who had still been sitting as they were moments before the boys arrived and took off his hat while giving the two a curious look,but he was smiling while asking." When did you two become so close?" He asked out of genuine curiosity and amusement. With this having been pointed out, Jungkook and V also looked at the two boys and then nodded as if to ask the same question as Jhope.
Namjoon was slightly thrown off by the question, however, he didn't think they had anything to hide." We've been like this for some time now, what do you mean?" Namjoon said, only to get Jhope to look at them harder with his eyes narrowed as he tried to come up with a solution. Jungkook then spoke up.
"No.. You guys seem exceptionally close. Don't they, Hyung?" The baby of the group questioned Jin, and Jin's only response was a shrug. Too bad simple answers weeny going to be enough for this crowd.

"Honestly Jungkook, I would've thought you'd be one of the first to catch on; especially with how you and Tae act." Suga snickered slightly at the three's confusion and sudden interest. But Suga didn't really answer their questions, he probably only caused them to have /more questions. All he did was scoot closer into Namjoon's side and place a big wet kiss on the younger's cheek.

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