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Namjoon smiled down at Yoongi, doing his best to contain his own excitement at this point. Being told he was beautiful wasnt an every day occurrence, but he was glad and also very flattered to have been called so by Yoongi. He wasn't too sure how to go about asking yoongi about his idea, but ehat better eay then to just come right on out with it?
"Have you ever experimented with-whats the word-.." He paused for a moment to rack his brain for what it qas he was looking for and after a few seconds he clicked his tongue. "Strangulation? How comfortable are you with me, and trying something like this?" He asked with genuine curiosity. He'd read and seen in vidoes that this sort of thing was very exhilarating for some people, and although it could be fatal if done incorrectly, he had confidence in both himself and suga to go through with it safely. So long as they did this slowly and very carefully with plenty of communication, they should be safe, but if suga was even a little unsure about it, Namjoon would resume and do plenty more to make sure they ended with a nice finish.

"I've never tried it," Suga said, thinking back to the time where he'd been asked by Jimin if he was willing to try something similar. Suga had turned him down, not completely trusting Jimin in a situation like that; but when Namjoon had asked him, he felt something within him excite at the idea. He trusted Namjoon with his life, and was more than willing to let him be in control in such a situation.
He took a minute to gather his thoughts and come up with the correct words to reply to Namjoon with.
"I'm completely comfortable with the idea, and with you being the one to do it." Suga said, finally able to decide on what to say. To be honest, he'd always had fantasies involving this sort of thing stored in the back of his mind, so it only made sense that he grew excited at the thought of it being with Namjoon. And Suga knew the risks involved, but as said before, he trusted Namjoon with his life. "Just promise to be careful," Suga smiled sweetly up at Namjoon as he ran his thumb across the inside of Namjoon's wrist

Namjoon was actually a little nervous to try this sort of thing, but with Yoongi's approval and his trust namjoon had very little doubt in his ability to make this work. Plus, if he were going to be nervous while trying this he didn't want that to reflect on Yoongi, so he closed his eyes and took in a deep breathe. He exhaled slowly and opened his eyes. Yoongi trusted him enough with his life to allow him to do something like this, and knowing that Yoongi's feelings for him had run that deeply was unlike anything Namjoon had ever felt.

"Alright.. Let me know if it hurts at all, and if you want me to stop just say so. I won't hesitate if you feel uncomfortable," He said with a ghost of a smile on his face. Befire he even got his hand in the correct position, he pressed a sweet kiss to Yoongi's lips." I'm going to count to fifteen and it might take a few minutes until you really feel anything.." He explained, eyes on his hand while he moved it to the correct position. Having Yoongi's hand on his wrist was helping a load and although he wasnt surw why he could guess that it had something to do with it being comforting and encouraging.

He carefully placed the web of his hand-the space between his thumbm and fingers-at the front of Yoongis throat, but without applying any pressure here, just let his hand rest. His thumb was placed at the left side of his thumb, and his index and middle finger palced on the opposite side, checking for Yoongi's pulse on either side to ensure his fingers were in the right position."Okay, starting," he began to apply light pressure up, all the while being mindful not to press his palm against the front of Yoongis throat, so much as to avoid you know. The risk of him dying or something." Let me know when or if you start to feel light headed.."

Suga sighed and grew a bit nervous, not in a bad way but in an excited way. Namjoon's words were comforting and made him feel safe in this situation. He brought his hand up to Namjoon's face and softly smoothed his thumb across his cheeks, kissing back gently.
Suga took a deep breath in as he felt the position of Namjoon's hand shift so his fingers rested directly over the arteries in his neck. Suga rubbed his thumb across Namjoon's wrist in a comforting way once more before they started.
The feeling of Namjoon's fingers pressed into the veins of his neck was an exhilarating feeling and paired with the magic his other hand was working, Suga was in bliss.
He couldn't help but let a moan slip past his lips at the paired feelings. An uncommon began to flood through sugas senses and he could tell he was slowly starting get light headed.
"Okay," Suga whispered, remembering that Namjoon had asked him to let him know once he started to get light headed, and let his hand rest against Namjoon's neck.

Namjoon made sure that he started counting as soon as he started to apply pressure to Yoongi's neck, knowing that the amount of time during this process was the second most important part-just after making aure thebppacement if your fingers were correct. They were just about four seconds in, and it seemed successful thus far.
He did not fail though, to pay plenty of attention to Yoongi's length, keeping his strokes even and at a relatively slow pace but not nearly as slow as he'd started Yoongi off. His efforts were not in vain, and he was most relieved when Yoongi let out what was probably the hundredth moan. The feeling he was able to experience while doing this.. it was euphoric because not only was he able to bring pleasure to his boyfriend but he also felt powerful, in a way. He couldnt exactly pin it, because it didn't make him feel powerful in the sense that he was strong or better, but in control.
As of now, it had been about ten seconds, and so that yoongi would know that the temporary bliss would be ending Namjoon began to count down from five while gradually decreasing the pressure he was applying to the arteries. When he had released all pressure, he smoothed his hand up and down the front of yoongis chest prior to bringing his hand up to the one resting at his neck. "How do you feel?"

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