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With Suga's willingness to review their dance, Namjoon and skin wasted no time in dragging the innocent young man off and away to the dance studio as quickly as possible. They even made in a record time which was just a little less then fifteen minutes, which might have been a sign, but neither of them cared now that they had Suga in the studio room and both of them were standing a little off-center and to the right-intentionally-as the music started up. They were both facing Yoongi, so when Beyonce's part came on he ran his ran through his hair and smirked slyly, mouthing the words before looking Jin up and down when Nicki's part started and they both took a step back with one arm extended out and the other gripping at their chests, popping their chests to the beat before transitioning to more Hip-hop like moves, while making the occasion suggestive gesture with their hands during Nicki's part because, well it was a relatively dirty song, but they didn't do anything that wouldn't be considered PG, but they did put on quite the show.
During most of the rapping was when they actually danced, keeping I'm sync throughout the song, and actually using a lot of the moves from the line performance of the song which consisted of a lot of hip movements, more specifically during the 'I'm feelin' myself' parts when they'd grab onto the front of their pants and plant one foot to the ground to stabilize themselves while taking a four steps to complete a half circle while just slightly thrusting their hips and dropped down so that they were squatting with one leg extended in front of themselves and holding their hands up in front of themselves while ceasing all movements when Beyonce said stop, and hopped up so they were standing up on both feet. Jin stepped in front of Rapmon and Rapmon stood up straight behind him a moment before Jin looked to his left then his right in time with Nicki's part, while Namjoon leaned in the opposite direction before the hopped to the side and carried on. So, it was a lot more sensual than planned, but being that the two boys were comfortable with each other, neither of them thought any more beyond that of just pleasing the fans. They weren't totally ignorant to the fact that the fans had liked them together, and really it was quite fun performing something like this. They'd taken some steps from some of the groups dances, but also incorporated some moves from both the live performance and music video of Feeling Myself while /also/ crating some more original moves, so... While a lot of the dance was mostly hip-hop, during the chorus was when they'd been most suggestive what with the excessive thrusts and minor feeling themselves up while biting their lips and staring right at their critic. That probably wasn't the most fair move, but they figured he'd live.
Once it got toward the ending if the song the both stood to face each, and throughout the whole song they'd managed to keep up with their expressions, and this time they were smiling at each, clearly amused with themselves, and as the words "Young money" we're spoken, the two boys pounded their rights hands in a fist against their chests and then threw up the piece sign before they let themselves fall onto the floor. That was more neck popping and hip movement than any other BTS song they'd done, and truthfully, squatting like that so much had started to burn and it was quite obvious. How females did it so much, the boys would never know.
Jin let out a loud huff and looked over at Suga with a genuine curiosity," so..How was it?"

"What..the /hell, were you two thinking?" Suga asked as he stood with his mouth hanging open. There was /no way he'd let these two trouble makers slaughter the fans with a dance like that. "That was /way too carnal for our poor fans' hearts, even for my own!" Suga gasped dramatically and brought a hand up to his chest. "And here I thought I was joking when I brought up you two doing an erotic dance," Suga mumbled and placed a hand on his forehead. He paced a bit, trying to think of some actual criticism to give the two so it wouldn't turn into a 'toddlers-shouldn't-dance-like-strippers-or-erotic-dancers' lecture. "All the carnal stuff aside, it was pretty well done. The choreography fit well with the song and it looked really well rehearsed. The only thing I can recommend to be changed is don't act and dress like precious cinnamon rolls before you show people this, because it /really threw me for a loop." Suga chuckled before clapping a bit as anyone should do after a show like that.

Both boys sat up slowly when Suga first started talking, looking at one another sheepishly, still trying to catch their breathe. So.. maybe it was a bit much, but while they were putting everything together in the beginning it seemed like a good idea, though now that they thought about it was probably starting to make sense.
"Well, we didn't strip, so that must count for something right?" Jin questioned while he laid himself back down onto the cool floor," we almost made it so that we'd be touching each other more than ourselves but someone-" Jin pointed his finger at Namjoon who was still sitting up while smiling like a door,"thought that'd kill the fans for sure.." Was Jin actually tattling on Namjoon? Because with that tone and that finger being pointed in his direction it sure felt that way. At the end if Yoongi's criticism, both boys stood and gave a bow as he clapped, opening their arms wide to the crowd that wasn't their like the two weirdos they were while shouting their thanks and love to the fans. Despite their ridiculous behavior, Namjoon was relieved that-all things sexual aside-the choreography fit the song.
Having two people who aren't at all great at dancing choreograph a dance head deemed a lot more difficult than one might think, so hearing that their worm turned out well was an outrageous achievement.
To top it off, they managed to get the type of reaction they hoped for. Sure Suga was more surprised than anything, but this was to please the fans after all. As for their wardrobe-that was what made it better, because you wouldn't expect two guys wearing soft colors and sporting a 'boyfriend' type of style to end up doing a dance cover to Beyonce, now would you? Was that their intention? No, but now they might just have to do it that way.
Namjoon looked to Yoongi while he linked arms with Jin, taking a few steps back." Thank you very much for actually putting up with the whole dance.. We were really nervous it wouldn't be that great since it takes us a bit longer to catch on during dance practice with choreography that already planned out for us.. Do you think it'd be best we didn't wear shirts or anything so they'd be expecting something that wasn't cute?" He asked with a brow raised, knowing well that wasn't quite what Yoongi meant, but it was either dressing like 'innocent cinnamon rolls' and shirtless cinnamon rolls. There could be no in between.

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