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Suga smiled into the kiss when he felt Namjoon's arms wrap around his waist. He was so glad that rapmon understood what he couldn't seem to form into words. Suga felt his cheeks heat up and smiled slightly at Namjoon's comment about giving him more presents, but was confused at his thank you. "Why're you thanking me?" Suga asked while he gazed into rapmons eyes. Suga had received many wonderful presents in the past, but none of them would ever be able to compare with those that were just given. "Those are the most beautiful and thoughtful gifts I could've ever gotten." Suga said truthfully. They were absolutely perfect; just like the boy who's gifted them to him. He admired how thoughtful and kind Namjoon was; they were some of the many qualities that Yoongi loved about him. "Thank you so much." Suga gushed giving Namjoon another kiss. Suga knew he'd never really be able to express just how much he loved his gifts, but he deeply hoped that Namjoon knew how perfect his selection was.

Why was he thanking him? Well, one because Yoongi was one of the best things that had happened to him so far in his life. Also, he was so sweet and gentle behind that hard shell he wore. He might not be the most sensitive, but his heart was made of pure gold and Namjoon loved that about him more than anything. Maybe Yoongi(maybe) he was incredibly handsome and charming and god did he have Namjoon's heart in his hands. And last, but not least, it wasn't the first time Suga had gotten him something, but it seemed much more personal this time around and he did adore the little guys. It wasn't something he expected which was an even greater reason to love them. They probably weren't something someone would come by every day, and much like Suga he.. Adored them. Did he just adore them? No. He loved them.
He withdrew himself from his thoughts and looked into Yoongi's eyes, so easily getting lost in them." I'm thanking you for being so.. Yoongi. For the gifts. For trusting me. For crawling into my bed that one night, because if you hadn't I'd be sleeping alone." His voice faded as he went on. He was really saying all of this, and it didn't occur to him that his lips were moving until it was all out.
"I am glad you like both gifts though. I was honestly worried you might not, and then you were silent for a while and that nearly had me shitting my pants." He chuckled softly while pressing two soft kisses to either of Suga's cheeks, hugging Yoongi closely to himself." You don't need to thank me though.. After all, actions often speak louder than words and yours are screaming in my face." He grabbed both of Suga's hands and laid back, looking up at him with a soft yet loving smile." You really make me so happy. I am almost unsure as to how to deal with it."

By the time Namjoon had lied back, Suga was a blushing and flustered mess. Namjoon was too much, too sweet, too kind, too cute, too lovable. Suga loved the feeling of Namjoon's hands in his own, and like many tiles before, he felt completely at home with rapmon. Suga blushed more, meeting Namjoon's gaze. Suga looked over rapmons features from a slightly different position than he usually would, but evidentially came up with the same conclusion. If it were the past, he defiantly would've been considered a god for his looks; because damn, he was drop dead gorgeous. His mint hair brought out the more auburnish red tones in his beautiful brown eyes, making them sparkle even more than they were before. His strong jaw line, some would say, looked like it'd been carved by the gods themselves. Not to mention that killer dimple that never ceased to make an appearance when Namjoon showed off his amazing smile.
"Sorry about my overly vocal emotions," Suga laughed and rolled his eyes slightly at rapmons analogy. "And for your overwhelming happiness, deal with it how you see best." Suga smiled at rapmon, as his own happiness was starting to get overwhelming. Suga was starting to get tired of looking down at Namjoon and decided to just let himself lay on the younger's chest. It was comfortable for Suga, as it always was, but this time around it was a bit different. Suga felt different. He felt whole

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