Chapter 14

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When the brothers got to the hospital, they saw everyone in the waiting room.

Raph was on the phone with his brother explaining everything that had happened. Tiger Claw sat beside Raph looking sad and gloomy. Shen was pacing the waiting room, but once she saw the two brothers walk into the room, she ran over to Yoshi and hugged him.

"How and where is she Shen?" Both Saki and Yoshi had asked.

Shen looked to Saki then back at Yoshi, "she isn't well. She's lost a lot of blood, more than we thought she had lost. She is currently in surgery at the moment." Shen explained looking down at the ground, tears running down her face. Yoshi sighed seeing his wife in the state she was in, knowing his daughter was hurt and could possibly not make it, and that he couldn't do anything except wait.

"Shen.." he said looking down at his wife, she looked up at him, "she is strong, she has never given up and I know she will not give up today, tomorrow or anytime soon in the future. She is going to continue fighting. All we have to do is make sure she knows we love her, and will continue loving her, that we've always loved her. Make sure she knows we are there for her."

Shen nodded, "okay Yoshi." The couple continued hugging one another, while they went and sat down, waiting to here about Lea.

Hours pass, and still no word about Lea. Donnie and Mikey were now sitting in the waiting room with their brother. Donnie mumbling to himself about the doctors and Mikey cuddling up to Raph for comfort.

The group of family and friends sat in silence, waiting and waiting to hear what happened to Lea.

Hours later the doctor had finally came and talked to the family.

"We had to put her leg and arm back into there sockets, we rapped her small wounds by we had to stitch a couple of the bigger cuts. Now that's not our major concern. What our major concern is the stab wound that went all the way through her abdomen. The stab cut opened many organs, and it grazed many other organs. After the operation, she fell into a coma."

Everyone gasped in surprise, except Donnie.

"What!!!" Raph yelled out in anger.

Both Shen and Yoshi looked at one another then back to the doctor.

"We don't know how long she'll be in the coma, it just depends on her. It could be days, weeks, months, years before she wakes up. Time will only tell." The doctor finally said, before going back to Lea's room to check on her vitals.

Both Raph and Saki were furious. Raph turned to Saki, "this is all your fault!!!" Raph said accusing Saki.

Saki looked down at the ground, furious and upset. "I couldn't stop myself."


"Raphael, calm down!" Both Mikey and Tiger Claw had said, standing up and taking a hold of Raph, pulling him back so he wouldn't attack Saki.

"No! Don't tell me to calm down!! He's the one that stabbed her!!! It's his fault she's in a coma!!!"

"Raphael!!" Yoshi yelled, standing quickly and pressing one of Raphael's pressure points. Raph stiffening in Tiger Claws and Mikey's arms. The two mutants quickly sat Raph down in a chair.

Yoshi looked around at the group of friends and family. Shen and Saki sat side by side looking down at the ground beneath them upset, Mikey and Tiger Claw stared at Raphael looking upset and mad at him for the unneeded outburst. Raph looking down at the ground, arms crossed over his chest, mad as hell but also upset. And Donatello, pacing the waiting room, grumbling to himself.

Yoshi, defeated that his little girl was lying in a hospital bed in a coma, looked down at the ground.

The doctor came back into the waiting room. He looked at the group of family and friends, "you all can come see her if you want."

Everyone looked up at him, all nodding then looking at each other.

"You, me and Shen will see her first. Then the others will." Saki said looking at Yoshi.

"No!" Raph yelled, standing up and walking over to Saki frustrated. Pointing a finger in his face, Raph yelled at Saki, "you don't get to see her! You have no right to even be here!"

"Raphael!" Yoshi yelled again, frustrated at Raph's outburst.

Raph looked over to Yoshi, pissed off that Lea's father was yelling at him when he should be yelling at Shredder. But he backed off, not wanting to piss off his possible father in law. He quickly sat back down in between Tiger Claw and Mikey.

"Fine." He huffed out, crossing his arms.

Yoshi just stared at Raphael, then tuned to Shen and Saki.

"Come, let us go see our daughter."

Shen nodded to Yoshi turning to Saki and grabbing his hand. "Come on, let's go see OUR daughter." She said emphasizing the 'our' in her sentence.

Saki nodded, tightening his hold on Shen's hand.

The three parents left the waiting room with the doctor, silence falling upon the others.

"He doesn't deserve to see her." Raph mumbled.

Donnie looked over at Raph, "Raph, it's not our choice if he can see her or not."

"I know, but what made him change?" Raph demanded.

"Raph, you have to understand that people change. I mean common, look at you! You changed! You were once in a gang! Then one were different."

"Well...I had a reason!"

"And just like you...Saki had a reason."

The two turtles just stared at one another. Both looking away minutes later. Mikey and Tiger Claw just watched the two talk back and forth two one another, watched them stare at one another, then when they both turned away, the turtle and tiger looked to one another, shrugging.

An hour had passed before Shen, Yoshi and Saki had entered the waiting room looking gloomy. All three parents eyes were red from shedding tears. Raph was the first to stand, quickly followed by Mikey and Tiger Claw then Donnie.

The four just stood staring at the three parents, waiting in silence.

"I will lead you to the room Leona is lying in." Yoshi said looking at the group of four.

Raph, being the one Yoshi was looking at, nodded at Yoshi, following as he left the waiting room to the infirmary. Donnie, Mikey and Tiger Claw following right after.

It took a good 3 minutes to get to the room Lea was in. Once they were outside of the door, Yoshi told them he was going to go back to the waiting room. The group nodded and waited till he left. Then Raph turned the door nob and in went the group.

What they saw....they couldn't believe.

Sorry it's bad, I've been busy.

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