Chapter 16

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It had been another couple hours before they all could see Lea again. This time though, they moved Lea into a bigger room so that all of her family and friends were able to stay in the room with her, so they all could watch over her. By now it was noon.

Lea had developed a slight fever over night after the attack, and its only been rising ever since.

Donnie knew he couldn't stay long, and he felt bad telling them when he was going to leave. He also knew that Lea had to get better real soon, or her company would fall apart without her. He knew she had taken the time off to visit her parents, but he knew as a wealthy businessman that you could never take time off.

Donnie looked over at Raph. His brother was sitting on the bed Lea was laying on. He hated the way his brother looked. Bags under his eyes, a little pale, tears falling from his eyes every now and then. He felt bad for what he was about to tell him, but he had to. He got up from where he sat beside Mikey on the couch and walked over to his other brother. He stood beside him, placing a reassuring hand onto his shoulder, "Raph...I'm sorry but...I have to get back home."

Raph looked up at his brother, then back to Lea who was sleeping. "Alright." He said sadly.

Donnie just nodded his head. He walked back over to Mikey asking if he was coming with him or not. Mikey decided to go with Donnie. The two walked over to Lea's parents bowing in respect and saying their goodbyes. They soon left, with only Tiger Claw, Raph, Shen, Yoshi, and Saki sitting in the room, waiting for Lea to wake up and get better.

A couple days passed and still nothing. Lea laid motionless. Raph, Tiger Claw, Saki, Yoshi and Shen took turns going home and washing up, eating and then returning. They could do nothing. It was getting to the point that they all though she'd be in a coma forever, all except for the other turtle in the room. Raph believed deep down, that Lea would be waking up soon. He could see it now, her beautiful ocean blue eyes shining with the sun rays that shone through the window into the room. Her smile, and her voice telling them all she was going to be okay.

And when she was finally able to leave this place, he'd go on dates with her. Make her happy. And then if things worked, which he knew they would, he'd ask her to marry. Not to soon though, maybe a couple months to a year. He absolutely knew he loved her, he just wanted to make sure she loved him for sure. That she would spend the rest of her life with him and have kids. He was ready to find someone and settle down, raising kids and enjoying life. And what he wanted most was to spend and enjoy the rest of his life with Lea. He couldn't say it enough.

He satin the end of the bed watching over Lea. Tiger Claw sat on the couch, resting his eyes. Yoshi, Shen and Saki had went home to wash up and eat. They said they might not be back tonight but they'd for sure be back in the morning.

Raph pulled his knees up to his chest, lying his arms on his knees which then he rested his head on his arms.

A couple hours later, he was startled when he heard a moan. He didn't look up though thinking it was just Tiger Claw, but then he realized that the moan was a higher pitch than what the tiger mutant would have possibly made.

He quickly looked up at Lea.

"LEA!!!!!" He yelled out in pure joy and happiness. He quickly moved up beside her, hugging her tightly.

"Oh my god!!! I'm so glad your awake!!!!"

He moved back, looking into Lea's eyes. Her beautiful ocean blue eyes sparking in the sun shine that entered the room through the window.

"H-hey...R-Raphie." She said with a hoarse throat.

Tiger Claw awoke by know, he stood on the side of the bed, kneeling so he was eye level with the two turtles.

"Leona!!" Tiger Claw said excited.

Lea turned towards Tiger Claw, "hey...fur b-ball, n-nice to see you again."

Tiger Claw just laughed, glad to see Lea awake and talking. Seeing her gorgeous ocean blue eye that shined in the sun.

"I'm gonna go call your parents then I'll let the doctor know your awake." He said smiling.

Lea nodded, watching as Tiger Claw left the room. She turned back and looked at Raph. She smiled seeing tears of joy running down his face. Seeing his smile. Just seeing him again.

"Raph...don't cry...I'm okay now." She said smiling even bigger.

"I'm sorry...can't help it." He told her, laughing at himself, making Lea laugh.

Raph just stared at Lea while Lea just stared back. "I missed you." Raph said.

"I missed you more."

Raph leaned down and kissed Lea. Lea kissed back. The two separated minutes later, panting but happy. Just then Tiger Claw walked into the room followed by the doctor.

"Glad to see you awake! Everyone's missed you. Your friend here told me he called your parents and now their on their way here."

"All of them?" Lea asked.

"Yes...all of them."

Lea smiled in content. Happy that all of her parents were coming to see her, including Saki. She truly did love Saki as a father. She truly did remember the first couple weeks of her life with him. And she loved how he spoiled her rotten. Then everything changed. No one knew why or how she still remembered memories from that far ago, but she did.

The doctor checked over her vitals. Making sure she was okay.

20 minutes later her parents came I tot he room, all running over to Lea, hugging her tightly. She wheezed, her parents laughing, quickly pulling away and saying sorry.

"It's fine." She said looking at them all, "I missed you all." She said pulling each parent down individually and kissing them on the cheeks. Each returning the kiss onto her forehead.

"The doctor looked at the all, "we will be keeping her here for a day and then she can go home." He then looked directly at Lea, "we're gonna be send you home with pain killers and trust me they are going to be strong. So are you staying with your parents?"

Lea looked at her parent. They all nodded knowing what she was going to say. Then she turned back to the doctor. "I'll be staying with my boyfriend and his brothers." She said proudly, looking over at Raph, seeing his bright smile.

"Okay, we'll just need you to sign some paper work and then you'll be able to go home tomorrow."

Lea smiled and nodded, watching as the doctor left.  

She looked over at Raph, seeing him walking over to him. He sat down on the bed beside her, "you know you can go home with your parents if you want, I won't be upset."

"No...I wanna spend Christmas with you, Mikey and Donnie. My parents are fine with it anyways. Plus if you want we can back for the new year." She rapped her arms around Raph's neck pulling him in closer, "plus I wanna be with you for my birthday. Just you and me." She whispered, smiling while she pulled away. Raph blushed but smirked, "I'll be thinking of somethin special for you that day then." He whispered back. They both smiled at one another, kissing one another before turning back to the others.

The rest of the night consisted of talking at laughter. They all ate together and were all looking forward for Lea getting out of the hospital tomorrow.

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