Chapter 7

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The kiss lasted a minute until Lea quickly pulled away.

"I'm sorry...I can't...." she said looking down at the ground beneath her, sadly.

"I understand...." Tiger Claw said sadly.

A few minutes later, Tiger Claw spoke up..."let's get you out of here."

"Okay..." Lea said still not wanting to look at the other mutant.

Tiger Claw wrapped his arm around Lea's shell, and his other under her knees.

" there....that hurts..." Lea whimpered in pain.

"I'm sorry!! else do I pick you up??"

"I...I don't know....uh...I don't just hurts real bad..." Lea said moaning in pain.

Tiger Claw quickly looked around the room, thinking of something he could use. "What if I used Master Shredders comforter? Put it under your legs so your not directly on my arm. Gives a little cushion but you will still feel the pain..."

Lea thought about it for a moment, before nodding, "okay."

Tiger Claw quickly put the comforter under Lea's legs before quickly picking her up. Lea still ended up hissing in pain, but the pain was more bearable.

"You okay?" Tiger Claw asked worriedly.

"Yes...I'm fine...."

It took 30 minutes for the two mutants to get away from the hated place. Tiger Claw had guilt written all over his face as he was escaping his masters lair with Lea, but he did it for love. And he knew full well, that when he came back, and when his master saw that Leona had went missing, he would be in deep trouble. But...he didn't care....he was doing this for Lea and Lea only. He cared much for her, and yet he felt he should be angry at her, but how could he. He did understand that she didn't love him the way he loved her, so why would he help her escape???

He knew why...she was a beauty...she wasn't a pawn...he loved her and nothing would change his mind...and he'd go to the ends of the earth to help her...and yet he felt something deep within him that just didn't understand...

"Are you alright?" Lea asked shyly, looking up at Tiger Claw.

"I am..." Tiger Claw said looking down at her.

They were able to see the hotel that they would meet up with Raphael at. Tiger Claw would have to sneak inside and get into an elevator to the top floor of the building. He was to meet Raphael with Leona in room 654.

Tiger Claw successfully made it into the elevator and up tot he top floor. He soon was looking for room 654, until Lea pointed towards the door that had the numbers 654 mounted onto it.

"Thank you Leona..." he said, quickly rushing to the door, knocking on it three times in a row.

Raph was worried sick! He was pacing his room, worrying about Lea. He had talked to Tiger Claw that morning. He was mad that HE was the one that had kidnapped her in the first place and was working for the enemy but he was glad that he was helping him bring her to him.

He has been pacing his hotel room all day!! He was anxious and worried all at one and it did not sit well in his gut...he felt like throwing up actually.

Then he heard the knock...

He rushed to the door and opened it. He saw a giant mutant tiger, that he presumed was Tiger Claw (hinting the name) and finally his eyes landed on Lea.

"Lea!!!" He said reaching for her, smiling with tears of joy streaming down his cheeks.

"Raph!!!" Lea said reaching for Raph, but hissing in pain and pulling back to where she sat in Tiger Claws arms. Raph noticed...

"What happened!?! What's wrong!?!"

"I will have to help you in reseting her bones and wrapping her injuries." Tiger Claw quickly informed him, "she is terribly injured."

"Well then, come in, come in!" Raph quickly moved out of the way letting Tiger Claw into his hotel room.

Tiger Claw walked over to the bed, setting Leona down onto it. She groaned in pain.

After looking down the hall way, Raph quickly shut the door and ran over to the bed looking over Lea. She was naked, the only thing protecting her from any other harm was her shell. Her right arm and her right leg was broken, she had a gash on her abdomen that had bleed, and thankfully dried up so it wouldn't bleed out as much as it already did. She had cuts and bruises all over her, but what worried him and made his blood boil the most, were the bruises on her upper thighs.

"Hurry, we must help her and then you two need to immediately leave this place." Tiger Claw stated.

Raph nodded, still staring at the bruises on Lea's thighs.

"Raphie?" He looked up at Lea. He hadn't been called that since he was a turtle tot.

Lea started crying...tears streaming down her cheeks.  

"Lea...don't cry." Raph said, wiping the tears from her face. "What's wrong?" He asked worried.

"I want to go home..." she said whimpering in pain and sorrow. 

"Lea...we can't take you home right now. We need to fix you up, get you some clothing and then we can go home."

Lea nodded, " are you going to fix me?"

"I studied in the medical field for a while, until I started working for Shredder." Tiger Claw stated.


Tiger Claw quickly ran into the bathroom grabbing a hand towel, "you'll bit on this."

Nodding, Lea opened her mouth allowing Tiger Claw to place the towel between her teeth. Once done, Tiger Claw looked to Raphael. "You will help me right?"

"Yeah..." Raph said looking up to him then back to Lea.

"Thank you."

The two started off by reseting her bones. Raph cringed when he heard the pop of her bones reseting, but felt sympathy and sadness at hearing her screams. While reseting her arm she had fallen unconscious.

Raph caressed her head while Tiger Claw was stitching up the cut on her abdomen. Raph started tearing up, but tensed when he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. He looked up at Tiger Claw.

"She will be okay. She will need a couple days to rest and then the both of you can leave."

Raph nodded, "thanks Tiger Claw, I don't know what I would do without you."

Tiger Claw nodded down at him, then looked to Lea. Raph watched as Tiger Claw turned from him to look at Lea. What he saw in Tiger Claws eyes surprised him. He saw compassion, hope, and love. He was a little afraid. He thought that he might take Lea from him, but at the moment he wasn't going to worry about that. What he was going to worry about at the moment was helping Lea get better and get her back home.

He turned from Tiger Claw to look at Lea. He stared at her sleeping for that was none other than restless.

He continued caressing her head, whispering comforting words to her.

"I love ya Lea, get better soon. I want to see those gorgeous eyes of yours again. Love ya."

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