Chapter 18

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Everyone had finally calmed down before dinner. Tiger Claw at the moment was helping Lea stretch out her leg. Raphael, Donnie and Mikey were all in the kitchen making dinner. Donnie making the side dishes, Raph making the main entrée and Mikey making dessert.

Within an hour, the table was laid out for the five mutants. All five sitting around the table, laughing, talking and eating. Telling stories, and talking about each other and what they saw they would achieve.

It was Raph's turn to describe what he saw Lea would achieve in the future.

He looked over at her and stared at her beautiful blue eyes.

"Ya know where I see you in the future..." he paused, "I see you with a like large. Getting married and gettin' pregnant. Moving into a big house and havin a family. 2 handsome boys and a beautiful baby girl. I see ya stressing the first couple of years, but then watching as they al grow up...I see ya handin down your business and then living the rest of your life with your husband."

Lea she'd a few tears, "that's so sweet Raph."

The two stared at each other. They sat side by side. They both leaned in and kissed one another.

They pulled away when they heard the others aw. Blushing and looking away from each other and the others.

"That...was sweet Raphael." Donnie said, he then turned to look at Lea, then back at Raph, "don't worry Raph, I see it too."

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and talking.

By 11 p.m. the five mutants were ready for bed.

"Goodnight everyone see ya in the morning." Tiger Claw called out.

"Night!!" Everyone else said, before Donnie stood up, "well I think I'm gonna go to bed. See you in the morning." Donnie said waving to the three.


The three others talked for another 30 minutes, before Mikey stood up and stretched.
"Well, I'm gonna hit the hay, see you two love birds in the morning."

Lea giggled, "night Mikey."

"Night Raphie!" Mikey said running up the stairs to his room.

Raph growled but laughed along with Lea.

"If ya are wantin ta stick around here, your gonna have to eat use to that ding nut."

Lea laughed, "I think I'll actually enjoy having him around."

Raph looked at Lea shocked, "are ya serious?!"

Lea looked straight at Raph, "know that I was raised as an only child. And with the career Mikey has, he tends to act like a child. And I just adore children." She then thought for a moment, "do you think your brothers got any gigs anytime soon, before Christmas?"

Raph thought for a moment, "um....not sure but you can always ask him. Why anyways?"

"Well...I just want to spend a day with children. I want to get a feel of all ages." Lea said smiling up at Raph.

"Well...I'm sure if Mikey doesn't have any gigs anytime soon we can go to the orphanage and play with the kids. Yes it's cold but we can always bundle up." Raph said, smiling down at her, Lea smiled back.

"Let's go to's getting late." Lea said, yawning.

Raph shock his head agreeing. He picked her and and carried her to his room, laying her down on the bed and getting in with her. The two snuggled one another the best they could.

They kissed once more and before they knew it they fell asleep.

Raph woke around 8:30 the next morning, Lea still fast asleep within his arms.

He looked down at her, thinking about what he said last night. 'I just hope that the man she finds is me. The kids she's has are our kids. And that the rest of her life she spends with me.'

He thought about waking her but decided not to. He got out of bed making sure to cover up Lea so she wouldn't get cold and went down stairs after putting on another set of clean cloths.

He found both of his brothers down stairs along with Tiger Claw.

"Morning Raph." Donnie said. Raph nodded his reply in his direction, then turned to Mikey who was at the stove preparing breakfast.

"What are you makin?" He asked agitated, knowing his brother very well.

"Just some pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausage." Mikey replied happily.

"Okay....just had to make sure."

Mikey laughed and continued with his work. Raph went and sat down beside his other brother.

"So where's Lea?" Donnie asked.

"She's still asleep."

" you mind if I took a sample of her blood?"


"Because Raph, I want to make sure there aren't any side effects that come along with the poison that was used. I have a feeling there might be."

"Fine, just wait till she wakes up."

Donnie nodded then went back to sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper.

Raph and Tiger Claw began a conversation, Mikey putting his thought in every now and then. Finally, breakfast was served.

"I'm gonna go get Lea."

"Okay." Everyone else yelled out as he was walking up the stairs.

He made his way over to his room, opening the door, and walking in.

He saw Lea still sleeping in the bed. He smiled and walked over to her side of the bed, kneeling down so he was face to face with her. He gently began caressing her cheek, using encouraging words to wake her up. Soon she did, showing Raph her beautiful blue eyes.

"Morning sunshine."

"Morning Raphie."

They both smiled at one another before Raph uncovered Lea, picking her up and walking down stairs into the dinning room.

"Morning Lea!" Everyone yelled cheerfully towards her.

Lea smiled, "morning guys."

"Oh...I see how it is. No ones all cheerful for me!" Raph complained.

"It's okay Raph." Mikey said.

"Whatever." Raph said looking over at Lea, "as long as I get to wake up with you belt nude side everyday."

Lea smiled, "I'd be happy with that too."

"Let us eat!" Mikey yelled out, and soon everyone began eating and talking.

Half way through breakfast though, while it was Lea's turn to talk, she just stopped.

Everyone stared at her, worried.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she fell out of her chair slamming onto the ground.


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