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Tuesday morning went by quite fast which was quite good for me since I didn't have the best lessons that day. After lunch I would share English and then maths with Eli so at least that was one thing to look forward to.

Sadly, I couldn't enjoy my lunch time to the fullest because I had some homework to finish off as soon as possible. I was getting slightly frustrated over it and tried my best to concentrate.

"What are you writing?" Asked Lindsay, the girl who I had snapped at the previous day. She turned out to be quite nice so I didn't mind her that much.

Lindsay was attractive, I couldn't deny that fact. Her hair was dyed black and had a lot of layers cut into it. I guess she wanted to look scene or something like that, judging by her piercings and eyeliner. I didn't question about it though just in case I offended her.

"I'm just trying to finish this homework in time." I sighed miserably and rested my forehead on the table.

"Well I can help you with that." Stated Robin, another one of Eli's friends. This was the boy that was with him in the corridor. "Math?"

"Yep. I hate it, as you can probably tell." I smiled sheepishly and slid the paper over to Robin, who looked over it after giving me a smile.

He then brought out a pen and started scribbling answers down quickly. I tried to watch in case I managed to understand what he was doing but ended up not being able to pay attention. Instead, I looked at the others on the table. There were five people on the table in total, not including me. There was Lindsay and Robin of course. The other two were Nick and Elliot. They seemed quite content joking around all lunch time rather than eating or doing homework.

Last on the table of course was Eli. He sat on the end on the other side of me from Lindsay. He was quite quiet as he sat down with his food and started eating. He didn't really talk that much but watched me and Robin. At one point he looked as though he was going to say something but he then looked back down at the table and carried on eating like he didn't want to interrupt us.

"All done." Robin grinned and gave me back the paper which I thanked him for as I put it in my bag. "Those are mostly correct, as far as I know."

"Thank you, you're a life saver!" I said, looking as grateful as possible as I didn't want to seem rude or anything.

"Anytime. I always help out with homework, I think that's why these guys are friends with me." He joked, earning an elbow from Elliot.

"It's not just the homework, you buy us food sometimes as well!" Nick told him, laughing playfully.

I laughed as well, feeling as though I'd finally found my place in school with my new friends.

"Well feel free to buy me food anytime." I patted my belly. "There's always room for more."

"Maybe I will take you up on that offer." Robin answered, writing his number down on a piece of paper and handing it to me. "We'll arrange it sometime."

This earned a lot of ooh's and ah's from the other members of our group and I found myself blushing bright red in front of everyone. Despite my rising embarrassment, I accepted his number and gave mine in return.

When things had settled down again, I looked back at Eli, whose eyes stared at Robin icily. If looks could kill, Robin would be six foot under by this time. I looked at Eli in questioning but he shook his head.

"Well class is starting soon." I announced to the table. "Me and Eli had better get going. We had to ask our teacher about some work we have to do."

Everyone nodded at this and didn't pay much attention thankfully as me and Eli left. He followed me out into the hallway where I turned to look at him with my eyebrows arched.

"What's the matter?" I asked. "Is something bothering you?"

He let out a frustrated sigh. "You're going on a date with Robin?"

"Well it's not really-"

"You exchanged numbers and he's taking you out for food. It's a date, Ash. He obviously likes you."

"Well that's too bad then." I replied, shrugging my shoulders.


"Because he's a nice guy but I only like him as a friend. Besides, there's someone else that I might like to go on a date with rather than him." I smiled. "And also, why act like I would date him when really I still want to die?"

Eli seemed to ignore my last comment, just shaking his head sadly. "Someone else?"

"Yep. They're kind of a moron so wouldn't know about it even if it hit them in the face." I laughed, turning away from him.

"You seem fond of him though, whoever he is." Eli followed, a smirk on his face as we walked to our class.

"Yeah, I guess I am." I replied with a smile as the bell rung out, signalling the end of lunch.

"That reminds me, would you like to come to my house afterschool?" He asked, looking a little nervous. "After hearing about your parents, I thought you'd like a little more time away from them."

"Would your parents mind though?" I asked, worrying that they would be annoyed that I go home with Eli.

"No, they'd be fine about it."

"Then I'll meet you outside the gate after our last lesson, don't take too long."

I grinned and stepped into class.

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