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Have you ever found it strange how one piece of information could ruin a perfectly normal day?

For instance, it would be a perfect day. A day where everything seemed to be going smoothly for once and then suddenly something happens to destroy any happiness you had felt prior to that. It's strange isn't it, that something so meaningless to the people surrounding you meant your whole world had been shaken.

I received the phone call at about five in the morning but I had been so exhausted that I didn't even hear it. If there was any way I could travel back in time I would take myself back to that moment just to drag myself out of bed to answer that phone call.

05:34 - Elijah (Missed Call)

Absolutely clueless, I woke up around eleven to find the house deathly silent, almost like the world had stopped turning. Despite this, I could hear the birds singing from the tree outside my window and the kids down the street squealing happily in their backyard.

I checked my phone and realised I'd missed a call from Eli so I picked it up and clicked on his contact, placing my phone to my ear. I had a smile on my face, looking forward to hearing his sleepy voice.

The phone rang a few times before someone finally answered.

"What took so long," I joked, "did the idea of talking to me put you off that much?"

There was no answer for a couple of seconds before Mrs Barnes replied, "Ash."

"Mrs Barnes? Where's Eli?"

"Ash," she started sobbing, a sound that made my heart ache, "he's gone. Eli's dead. He passed away this morning."

I froze, as did my breathing.

I almost dropped my phone on the floor but clenched my fist tighter, fighting against the tears that were about to fall from my eyes. My crystal-like teardrops fell silently onto my lap and I inhaled a shaky breath.

"Ash? Are you there, sweetheart?" Mrs Barnes questioned, her voice wavering.

I closed my eyes, blinking some tears away. "Yes. I'm here."

"It was six o'clock when he was pronounced dead." She told me. "He kept asking to call you throughout the night but I told him- I told him so many times that you were probably asleep."

I weeped, not able to control myself and finally got out through my cries that I would be at the hospital soon. Before she could say anything else, I hung up the phone and threw it to the floor, hearing the screen crack into pieces before stumbling out of the room and down the stairs.

Jett was downstairs, looking exactly how I assumed he would be: a mess. His watery eyes had bags under them and he was dressed in unclean clothes.

"Ash," he said, standing up and walking over to me, "I can't believe he's actually-"

"I don't want to hear it." I snapped as he went to touch my arm. "Don't fucking touch me either, just get the hell away from me."

He said nothing and retreated backwards. At that moment, I didn't care but I regretted it later on because of how I hurt him.

I ran to the hospital, not caring what anyone thought of me at that point.

They could stare if they wanted to or even laugh at me and it still wouldn't bother me. Nothing could even compare to the weight I felt in my chest.

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