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I woke up early the next morning expecting to be in my normal bed in the guest room. To my surprise, I was in Eli's room still and he was asleep beside me with his arm still around me.

I decided not to wake him up since it was about six o'clock but I couldn't move away because of his arm. Instead, I yawned and just relaxed for a while, enjoying the moment while it lasted.

The sun was peeping through his curtains and had shone onto his face a little bit so I pulled them further over to block it out. It was much better after that, just lying there in the quiet darkness of his room.

Then the door was pushed open, revealing Jett standing there with just a towel covering himself. His hair was still dripping wet from a shower he must have had. I tried not to look at his bare chest but failed and noticed the many scars and bruises across his skin.

At the sight of me and Eli in bed together, he raised his eyebrows and gave me an amused smirk.

"You two seemed to have had an interesting night." He commented in a playful tone.

"It's not what it looks like." I answered.

"Really?" He said. "It seems to me like you and Eli were having a bit of fun after his recovery at the hospital."

I groaned at his annoyingness and fell back onto the pillow, forgetting about Eli's arm below me.

Eli then opened his eyes and looked around the room, blinking a few times before noticing Jett in the doorway.

"Eli, you look exhausted." Jett grinned.

"Get lost Jett, it's not what you think it is." Eli muttered, throwing a pillow at Jett's face.

It hit him and Jett laughed, throwing it back before exiting the room and closing the door behind him.

Eli turned to me, blushing. "Sorry about him, he's a little weird."

"I gathered." I smiled. "It's okay though, I'm used to him by now."

I gently moved his arm off me and climbed out of bed, realising I was in just a t-shirt. I started panicking. Last night I had gone to sleep wearing my clothes and now I was wearing a t-shirt. What happened?

"Eli?" I called. He answered with a low murmur, his eyes still closed. "Why am I wearing one of your t-shirts? Did you change me?!"

Swiftly, he opened his eyes and sat up, fully awake.

"I changed you because you looked uncomfortable in those clothes and I didn't want to wake you." He stated. "I promise, the lights were out and I didn't look at anything. I respect you too much to do something like that while you're sleeping..."

I breathed out a sigh of relief. I knew he wouldn't be lying to me. Why would he? I trusted him with my life and he knew not to break that trust.

"Okay. Thank you."

He smiled and got out of bed, taking off his pyjama top and putting on a clean one from his wardrobe. I turned away, not wanting to intrude on his privacy.

"Ash! Elijah!" Mrs Barnes called from downstairs. "Get up, you two need to go to school today!"

Both me and Eli groaned miserably, hating the fact we needed to go back to that Hell. We smirked at each other when we realised we were thinking the same thing. It was okay for him though, he was liked at school. I was the loner.

"I'll go get ready then." I said, leaving his room to go find an outfit.


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