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For what felt like the hundredth time, I was waiting in the hospital once again. All I could hear was the monotone beeping of machines that were keeping Eli alive at that moment.

He had his own plain room in the hospital which was basically the same as all the other rooms. The walls were the same, the floor was the same and it was laid out exactly the same as the others. Only, this wasn't just any room. It was Eli's room. Maybe this would be the last room he'd be alive in.

I hated it.

I hated everything about this place. No one seemed to be in any panic about the life that could be lost today. The doctors remained blank faced as they'd probably seen this scene on a daily basis. You get used to it after a while I guess. They must've gotten used to the innocent people grasping for life and their grieving families crying in the corridor. It was always the same.

The feeling in the air made me sick. I couldn't leave because Eli needed me.

Jett was stood in the corridor, his face pale as a sheet and staring at the passing doctors without truly seeing anything. The last thing he'd told me was that Eli's mum was on the way from work - she'd taken an emergency leave and her co workers were well aware of what was happening.

For now, Eli was still alive despite being bedridden. He wouldn't be able to move around alone anymore and we were told we would have to stay with him at all times. They didn't elaborate but I knew what they meant by it: any moment could be his last.

His eyes were closed and he had all sorts of tubes inserted into his body, making him uncomfortable to look at. I never could stand hospitals and the fact that he already looked dead terrified me even more.

Mrs Barnes suddenly barged into the room, her face an exact mirror of mine. She came over and hugged me immediately, peering over my shoulder at Eli's sleeping body.

"You can go for five minutes Ash, I will watch over him in here," she said softly, not taking her eyes off him.

I nodded and exited the room, closing the door quietly behind me.

Jett was sat in the same position I'd last saw him in. It was not a pretty sight at all but I most likely looked the same. We were all just waiting for Eli to wake up so none of us wanted to rest.

"Jett." I said as I sat down beside him. "Can I get you anything?"

He shook his head. "No thanks."

I didn't reply, not wanting push him to talk anymore since he probably would want to be alone for a while. I rested my hand on my chin and closed my eyes for a few minutes, feeling fatigued beyond belief.

I must have fallen asleep somewhere along the way because I was woken up by Mrs Barnes, who was gently prodding my shoulder. I was leaning against Jett's shoulder and he also seemed to be asleep. I sat up slowly so I didn't wake him.

"Eli's awake," she told me, "he wants to see you."

I nodded. "I'll be right there."

I placed my jacket over Jett and left the desolate hall to return to Eli's room.

Eli was silently led in bed, his eyes closed but I knew he was just resting them because of how weak he was at that point. I took a seat beside him and reached over for his hand to let him know that I was beside him.

"Ash," he said quietly, "thank you for calling the ambulance for me."

"It's okay, Eli."

"And thank you for everything else you've done for me."

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