// 18 \\

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The following weekend I had nothing to do. Out of boredom I had completed all of my homework and then all of Eli's homework. I didn't even care if I failed school but I still bothered to do that to at least look like I was making an effort.

I was sat in my bedroom, which was now decorated for me, staring at the ceiling. The two completed sheets of homework were laid on my desk waiting to be placed in my backpack.

When my phone buzzed I let out a happy sigh and rolled across my bed to grab it. The screen glowed white in the darkness and the notification had flashed on there.

Come downstairs, I have ice cream ;)

Cba. Bring it up? :D

Get your lazy ass down here

I groaned tiredly and pulled myself off of the bed, opening the bedroom door. Why did he curse me to move around the house for ice cream? I just wished I could stay in my room and eat alone.

When I got downstairs, Jett was happily sat on the kitchen counter eating out of a tub. It was already half empty despite only being bought hours before. An extra spoon was waiting for me beside him and I picked it up with a grin.

We didn't talk very much. The past few months had had an impact on all of us, causing there to be nothing to talk or even laugh about anymore. It was like everything had been affected by Eli's illness, not just him himself.

Lately the household had been quiet, no one seemed to want to be happy around Eli anymore knowing the inevitable was going to happen eventually. We had no energy. It had literally drained us of emotion.

"So," he said, "we haven't spoken much recently. How're you and my little brother?"

"Do you actually care or are you just pretending to?" I replied, swallowing my ice cream.

"Pretending, like always."

"I guessed. So how's you and your life?" I asked.

He waited a few seconds before replying, "do you actually care or are you pretending to?"

I let out a sigh, rolling my eyes.

"And I was just starting to think we were getting along."

"Hey, I was the one who invited you down to share ice cream, you're the one ruining the friendship," he argued, dropping his spoon into the bowl of ice cream with a loud clatter.

"I suppose so. You kind of did order me to come down here though. Maybe next time you could deliver it?"


"Whatever," I said, "do you know where Eli and your mum is?"

"They don't really tell me much nowadays," he mumbled grumpily.

"Same here, to be honest."

I checked the time on my phone: eight o'clock. It was already dark outside and I was quite concerned that they weren't telling Jett and I much lately. It was way too secretive for my liking.

"Do you think they'd tell us?" I questioned. "If something was wrong, do you think they'd tell us about it?"

"I highly doubt it. You've ruined our chances by being melodramatic about every occurrence."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It meant, you need to chill out. There's no need to worry about everything that happens." He shrugged. "Be like me."

"You don't worry about anything, you just don't care."

"That's kind of true."

I stood up, placing my bowl near the kitchen sink. "This conversation is over, I'm going to my room."

"You won't be missed down here," Jett answered, eating the rest of his ice cream without a care in the world.

Once in my room again, I went straight over to my stereo and started playing some music to help calm my nerves. It seriously bothered me that we weren't being told about anything. This was a person's life and we still weren't included. I couldn't tell if I was upset or angry at this point; maybe I was both at the same time.

I fell backwards onto the bed with a yawn. Everything was making me so stressed lately and I just felt tired all the time. I wondered how Eli made it through the day sometimes with everyone worrying about him all the time. At least he was lucky enough to be cared about by his family, though.

"Ash," Jett called through my door, "can I come in?"

"Sure." I said.

He entered but still lingered around where the door was. His eyes wandered around the room though, taking in all my stuff that I hadn't packed away yet. It was a mess, I'll admit.

"I'm going out, just thought you should know."

"What? You're leaving?" I asked.

"Yep, there's some sort of house party a few streets down. I thought it might be fun, I don't know." He turned around and was about to walk away before stopping.

"Do you want to come with me?"

I thought about it for a second.


"Seriously?" He raised an eyebrow, a skill I had never been able to do.

"Yep, I don't wanna go."

"Come on, Ash. It'll be fun."

"You're not going to stop pestering me, are you?" I frowned.

"Nope, I'm really not so you should come with me." He smirked happily.

"Fine, let me get changed first then." I said with a huff.

"Be ready in ten minutes." He yelled as he hurried to his own bedroom.

"Whatever," I muttered as I walked over to my wardrobe.

The doors creaked open and I took a long look at all the clothes in front of me. From the other room I could hear Jett's phone ringing and then him picking it up. I could only hear inaudible chatter through the thick walls so blocked it out.

I had to be ready in ten minutes which meant I had no time to shower or anything. Instead, I settled on a blouse, a skirt and some tights matched with some black boots that I adored. I decided the outfit suited the occasion well since I had no idea what sort of party it was. It wasn't too formal but wasn't too casual is what I mean to say.

I wasn't planning on staying long anyway since I wouldn't know anyone there and Jett's mum would worry about where we were. Plus, Jett would probably get extremely drunk and I would have to get him home somehow.

Walking into the bathroom, I grabbed my makeup bag and quickly applied some mascara and lip gloss. I wasn't bothered about making an effort in such a short amount of time anyway. When I looked in the mirror, I decided I looked fairly reasonable so it would have to do for now.

I grabbed a handbag and quickly shoved my phone and some cash in there just in case I needed a cab home with Jett.

By the time I had finished getting ready, Jett barged into my room unannounced.

"Are you ready yet?" He asked bluntly.

I paused for a second before answering, "Yeah, I think so."

"Then lets go," he replied, grabbing my hand and dragging me after him.

"Okay," I said, knowing that it was going to be a long night...

(I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages ;-;)

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