// epilogue \\

392 17 13

3 years later...

The warm summer sun gazed down on me and warmed my tanned skin. It had been an exceptionally hot couple of weeks but luckily for me, I'd been on a break thanks to some good news I'd received.

I had been walking for a while now and the bouquet in my hands was beginning to feel quite heavy. I'd purchased some roses from the shop down in the middle of town for the boy that had won my heart and taken it away with him.

The birds were chirping in the trees and people on vacation were chatting excitedly underneath them. Everything seemed so cheerful as of late, like everything was falling into place slowly.

I finally entered through the gates of the graveyard and made my way round the familiar bend that led to his grave.

The marble gravestone read:
Here rests Elijah Barnes.
A kind soul who was taken too soon. You will forever be missed.

I leant down and placed the fresh roses on his grave, taking away the old ones. His grave always seemed to have the most flowers on them. Eli must have made a lasting impact on everyone's lives. He was kind of unforgettable like that.

Sitting beside him on that hot day, I felt the need to tell him my news.

"After reading your letter, I worked hard to finish school with good grades so I could go to a good college. Then I went to medical school to train to become a doctor so I could try and save lives. Of course, you already know this, I've told you hundreds of times.

Well, the news you don't know is that I've been invited to go to another medical school in Australia, one that is really good and known worldwide. They already booked my flights and I get to stay in an apartment they chose for me. It's a once in a lifetime chance!"

I smiled and fell back onto the grass. If he was here, he'd be so proud of me. I hoped wherever he was, he'd be smiling at me because I'd actually made it.

"I suppose this means I won't be able to see you as much anymore. I'm really sorry about that but I'm sure you'd understand." I sighed. "I will visit in the summer though, Jett and Mrs Barnes will miss me too much if I don't see them."

"Yeah, you have no choice but to come visit us!" A voice said from behind me.

I sat up and grinned as I saw Jett walking towards me. He sat beside me on the grass and placed another bouquet of flowers on Eli's grave.

"How come you've come up here today?" I asked him curiously.

He shrugged. "It's your last day and I knew you'd be up here so I decided to join you this last time."

"Thanks. I'm sure he'd be glad you came." I said.

"I doubt it. He's probably mad that I'm still just the same as I was before. I don't live up to his expectations."

"Come on, you're not as bad as you were. You quit getting into trouble and you have a part time job at the garage. You're making a change - a good change for once."

He smiled. "I guess you're right."

I smiled smugly and nudged his shoulder, standing up.

"I guess that's that. I need to get going now else I'll be late." I announced, walking away with Jett beside me.

"Aren't you scared?" He asked.

"Of course I am. I'm terrified, can't you see?" I showed him my shaking hands.

"You're gonna do great, don't worry about it. I know you're going to do really well over with the Aussies."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Let's just hope for the best."

We walked over towards Jett's car and he opened the passenger door for me, waiting for me to get in. After I'd sat down, he got into the drivers' seat and started the engine. I could see he was reluctant to go, it was evident in his eyes.

"I need to go and get my stuff from home." I told him.

The way I said 'home' made me feel even more emotional. After today, I wouldn't be able to return to a welcoming family like the one I had now.

We arrived outside the empty house and went inside. Mrs Barnes had to leave early but we'd already said our goodbyes this morning so I didn't mind that she wasn't here.

I gathered up my remaining bags and carried them out to the car with Jett's help. He was walking slower and had a serious look set on his face. This was hard for him, I could tell.

He sighed as he locked the door to the house but quickly turned to give me a supportive smile. I just hopped into the car so I didn't hesitate anymore than I should.

He put my suitcase and bags in the back seat rather than the boot because he had no room in there apparently. I rolled my eyes, imagining him loading it with tools for the garage as usual.

But then that was that, we set off towards the airport and it sunk in that I really wouldn't be coming back here for another couple of years. The thought terrified me but excited me at the same time.


The airport was bustling with people. Each one had their own story to tell and their own destination. This was just the beginning of my journey and I hoped it would be a good one.

"I can't go any further than this." Jett said, suddenly stopping.

I was about to protest but realised that he really couldn't go any further. Only people travelling could enter. He gave me a sorrowful look.

"I'm going to miss you, Jett." I murmured, pausing in my tracks.

"How do you think I feel? I'm gonna miss you like crazy now that I don't have anyone to back me up when I get into mischief." He smirked, trying to add some humour to the situation.

I smiled and gave him a hug. "Behave, okay? Take care of yourself and your mum."

"I will, don't worry about us." He gave my arm a friendly squeeze before letting me go.

I felt tears well up in my eyes and I noticed his looked a little glassy too.

"You'll be okay." I said, more to myself than to him. "Just Skype me and keep me updated, okay?"

"Ash, focus on becoming a doctor. You've worked hard for this moment so don't hesitate anymore, alright?"

I nodded and wiped the tears from my eyes. He turned away for a second and I could tell it was so he could compose himself so he didn't cry in front of me.

I hugged him one last time before picking up my bags again.

"I love you, Jett. Tell your mum the same thing as well, okay? I'll miss both of you so much."

"I will." He answered quietly. "I love you too."

And with that, he turned and walked away. I saw that he was going to turn around again but he stopped himself and carried on walking. I was so proud of him for how much he'd changed himself over the past couple of years.

I skipped towards the desks to check in my luggage, not being able to keep the grin off my face. My suitcases were all booked in and I just had to pass through security.

These were my first steps into the future. The future that was only happening because of Elijah Barnes and for that, I would be forever grateful.

"Eli, I hope you can see me now."


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