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The party we were attending was about twenty minutes away from our house but due to Jett being a slow walker, it took us almost half an hour. He constantly whined about his legs aching and I had to wait for him because I didn't know where we were supposed to go.

Finally, we arrived to a small house on the edge of a very dimly lit street. If it wasn't for the flashlight on my phone or the flashing party lights from inside I probably wouldn't have seen it as it was surrounded by hedges in the darkest corner of the street. I could sense the amount of potheads in that house just by looking at it.

"Come on," Jett urged, tugging on my wrist.

I nodded and let him lead me up the steps towards the front door. Before we could go in, a drunk guy stumbled out and barged into me, tripping onto the floor.

As I was about to lean down to help him up, he shoved me away and swore at me harshly. He pulled himself up and sent me a spiteful glare and was about to walk away when Jett stepped forwards.

"Don't speak to her like that you asshole," he growled, pushing the guy away.

He was going to say something but then backed down, walking away from us both.

"You okay?" Jett asked, turning to me with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine, let's just go in," I smiled and took his hand. He still didn't look convinced but didn't say anything else about it.

Once we were inside, the scent of weed, sweat and alcohol invaded my senses. I wrinkled my nose in distaste. Jett seemed to find this amusing and smirked at me.

To the left of the hallway was a large living room which was crowded with rebellious teenagers dancing to some loud music from the speakers. The majority of people there weren't even popular kids, they were the ones who kept under the radar.

I looked to Jett for reassurance only to see that he was already mingling with a few dangerous looking individuals. He pulled me closer to him when he saw me watching.

"This is Ash. If anything happens to her tonight, you guys will regret it, got that?" He said sternly. The guys nodded, inspecting me closely.

"Is she your girlfriend or something?" One of them asked. He had blonde wavy hair and serious grey eyes.

"Sadly, no. But I still don't want anything happening to her." He replied. "You can go now."

They walked away in separate directions without another word. Jett then turned to me seeming not to care about any of them.

"Try to avoid any drinks left lying around, they're probably spiked. Actually, most drinks here are probably spiked, so never mind. Oh, and avoid any weirdos lingering around, you get a lot of them at places like this."

"Why are you telling me this? Aren't you staying?" I questioned, getting uneasy.

"I have some business to deal with but don't worry I'll be back as soon as I can." He patted me on the shoulder and was already walking off towards some people in the corner of the room.

I shivered and decided to try and have fun even though I hated these sorts of parties. Something bad was bound to happen at a place like this. There was only one or two people that I trusted and that was the guys Jett was talking to; at least the ones I could recognise, that is.

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