We need a resolution

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Arrington Noel Cruz
December 21, 1991

I pulled up to my parents house as my dad helped me with my bags. I was happy to be back home, I needed a sense of stability. Christmas is four days away and I got the presents for my family.. My brothers couldn't come so it would just be me and my parents. I even got Donald a present, but things went a little south.

That might he called me multiple times and left many voicemails. My mailbox got full so after a while I couldn't get any more. He didn't show up to my house which I was happy about. I was in my bedroom daydreaming when my mom walked in.

"I thought Donald was coming?" She said sitting on my bed.

"He had some business to handle and he said he might go with his family for Christmas so yeah."

She made a sad face. "Dang, I really wanted to meet him. Maybe Easter?"

I laughed. "Yeah, maybe mommy."

"Alright cherì, get some rest." I nodded and dozed off to sleep with Donald on my mind. I know it's crazy to say, but I miss my man. Even though I miss him, I don't want him thinking it's cool to disrespect me. Like I get you got these issues but you gotta learn how to get them under wraps. There's people out there who have disabilities, illnesses, and they still carry on a normal life. I'm trying to help him do that but I'm not bout to be walking around on eggshells.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up seeing my dad. "Hey mija, mama said dinner will be ready soon so wash up."

I nodded and then I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I got out and changed into some sweats and a sports bra with a jacket zipped up to my navel. Walkinh downstairs I heard talking. I walked into the foyer and there stood the man himself. We looked eyes and I glared at him as he smirked.

"Mija look who came to surprise you." My dad said smiling.

"Oh Donald, great to finally meet you. Noel, I thought you said he couldn't come?"

I still looked at DeVante and raised my eyebrows crossing my arms. "Guess things changed.."

"I finished up business a little early and stopped by to see my family before coming

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"I finished up business a little early and stopped by to see my family before coming. My parents say hello."

"Noel, go greet the boy.. He quickly changed his plans to meet your family. Fevit!"

I rolled my eyes and put on a fake smile. I walked up to De and embraced him. He held me tight and sniffed my scent before kissing my neck.

"I missed you Ari." He let me go and kissed my lips softly. I still held my blank expression.

"Mmhm. Okay mommy I'm ready to eat."

She laughed and said okay. My dad recommended that I show Donald around and where to put his stuff.

I showed him around my house and he followed me upstairs. "Those are my brothers rooms, they're all spending Christmas with their girls family. This is the bathroom and this is my bedroom, you can put your stuff down on that couch." 

He nodded and put it down I walked to the door and closed it. He was behind me when I turned around.

"Donald, why are you here?"

"Ari, you knew I was coming."

"When a couple has an argument and says they need a break, it doesn't mean show up at their parents house. You making this hard."

"I'm making it hard? You're the one who took this break, if you listened to me we'd be fine."

"That's the thing. It's always me listening to you. You don't ever car about how Arrington feels. I'm always making sure I don't step on your toes, everything is your way. I'm living in fucking fear because I don't know if one day you're gonna just look at me and slice my throat off, you are a killer after all."

He stepped back when I said that. "Arrington you and I both know if I wanted to kill you, it would've been done without a trace. I'm not a killer."

"Donald murdering 5 innocent souls is being a killer. Whether they hurt you or not that's a killer. You aren't God, you don't get to dictate who lives or not. You're out here being a monster."

"Enough.. Dammit Arrington. You right I am a monster, I killed people and I ain't sorry. I don't care about others feelings... But you. You came along and just fucked it all up. You know how much times I've thought about killing you? Every time I think about something attacks my brain. You got my heart man, I fucking hate it, but I love it. Your love makes me wanna get better. I actually wanna meet your family. I wanna get married. I want to have kids. I want to be that guy... But it's hard Arrington. I know I'm a monster and I don't need to be reminded of it. I am who I am, but shit I'm trying. If you wanna go, that's not gonna happen. I told you from day one I am possessive and that's something that will never change. This, I can't lose this... I can't lose you. You changed me, you make me better. Like I told you I'd kill for you and I wouldn't kill you or harm you unless I had to. If I can't do life with you... There's no point of living. I can't leave you alone no matter how hard I try. I tried to stop this. I tried to detach myself but I can't do it. I can't." He started crying and I walked over to him hugging him. "I know I'm insecure, I know it. But shit look at you? You know how many men want you? I see the way the guys look at you.. They're all normal and I'm over here breaking shit and killing people. Why wouldn't I think you'd choose them over me?"

I just let him vent because it seems he just need to get things off his chest. I hold him tightly as he cries my mom knocks on the door.

"Hey everything okay?" She had a worried look on her face. "Donald you okay?"

"Mom he's just having a bit of a moment. We'll be down soon."

She nodded patting his back and leaving. He looked down at me and I wiped his tears. "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Look, Donald I love you. I guess I gotta be a bit more understanding, but I'm not tolerating disrespect if we playing by your rules you gonna play by mine too. Got it?" He nodded. "You gotta tone the jealousy and insecurities down... You need to trust me.. You need to stop throwing things and getting aggressive... And you need to communicate with me."

He nodded his head and kissed my lips. I unwrapped my arms from around him and walked downstairs with him behind me. We sat at the table with my parents and began dinner.

Excuse any errors

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