Final Goodbye

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I know I said four or five more chapters, but I felt it was time to wrap the story up so I can start on the next one and work on my other stories. I have another DeVante book coming out called Bambi. Hopefully the first chapter is posted to tonight or tomorrow. Thank you guys for the endless support. At one point I was completely done with writing. Those who have been with me for a while know I had about 4 other stories that were up to 300+k reads and then I deleted it all cause I had no inspiration. You guys brought that back out, so thank you. Here's the epilogue.
  - D'Andra

Arrington Noel DeGrate
February 5, 2017

"Arrington I love you with all my heart. You and the kids are my biggest blessings. You loved me when I couldn't even give you the same love. You loved my children as if they were your own. You've been there through it all and never left. I have watched you grow into a phenomenal woman. You've given me 5 beautiful children. Every time I look at them I can't help but to fall deeper in love with you. Thank you for 26 years of love and friendship and 22 years of marriage. You are and will always be the biggest part of me." I wiped the tear that fell from his eye.

I cleared my throat preparing to recite my vows. "26 years of friendship, but a lifetime of memories. Donald I love you so much. You have helped me to grow into the woman I am now. Without you there is no me. God created you especially for me. You're my first love and the father of my children. You have blessed me in so many ways. I appreciate all the good and bad times we went through. Thank you for being my confidant, my shooter, my dance partner, my pillow, and my best friend. I can't express my gratitude enough, thank you and I love you."

"Okay, I now pronounce you husband and wife again. You may kiss your bride." The pastor said and DeVante grabbed me smashing his lips into mine.

"I bet y'all just from that kiss she's going to get pregnant again." Dalvin said shaking his head.

"Soon as he touched her hand she got pregnant. She's just fertile as can be." K-Ci replied.

"Shut up." De and I both said as we walked down the aisle to the reception.

Life has been amazing, my marriage is in such a great place. Zyla is now 15 years old and the sweetest ever. I thought she would give me trouble since she's a teenager now, but she enjoys singing in the choir, playing piano with De, dancing, going to church, and she adores her younger siblings. She's a bit of an introvert, I think she gets it from her dad. She's still obsessed with her uncle Dalvin. Those two are inseparable, he can't ever say no to her. She says she wants to be a gospel artist in the future. She also has a little boyfriend, but don't say nothing to De. She doesn't want him to know.

DJ is 12 soon to be 13 and plays football. He's such a mommas boy. He enjoys helping me out and giving me compliments. The only thing is he's a little player. This boy comes home with women problems and I'm just like nigga you're still in 7th grade. He's very creative and enjoys painting and drawing. His plans for the future are to become an architect and open his own business.

Savannah and Austin are going to be 11 in November. Savannah is very reserved and Austin is the crazy one. Savannah is super shy, but ballet is helping her get out her comfort zone. Austin is obsessed with his daddy. The crazy thing is he looks so much like him and acts like him. The only difference is Austin is comfortable being outgoing around anyone.

As you can guess, Jodeci came out with a new album in 2014 and in 2015 I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Anastassia Elizabeth DeGrate.

She is about to be 2 in April

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She is about to be 2 in April. She has De wrapped around her little finger. When it comes to him, she doesn't get no as an answer. She's cute as hell but don't let her fool you. She is mean. She will purposely ignore your presence if you upset her and she has a tendency to tell people they're ugly or fat. Donald says at least we know she won't lie, but I can't have my baby just calling people fat. Besides that she doesn't give me problems. She loves to be around Dyana because she knows her big sister will spoil her like the queen she believes she is.

Dyana and Justin are still my babies. They always come visit and every Sunday we have big family dinners. I still get my coins from being a songwriter. Half of these hits you hear on the radio have been written by your girl.

I can only thank God for bringing me this far. I thought at one point that my marriage was over. I can't explain how blessed and humbled I am for all I went through. No matter how many times I tried to leave, I kept coming back to the bad boy.

Our story may be over for this book, but believe me we aren't done. OH YALL IN 2014 FOR A COUPLE MONTHS DONALD CUT OF THAT RATS TAIL!!!! The sad part is that didn't last long. I started to notice slowly that he wasn't cutting his hair. I don't know what hell he like about that but I'm too old to be asking questions. About to be damn 48 and still trying to be young. Can't stand him sometimes.

Thank you all for coming with me through this journey.

Love from the DeGrate family


Excuse any errors.

Update: My new DeVante Swing story Bambi is up and rolling. Hope you all enjoy, it's a different approach. It's inspired by the song Bambi by Jidenna and the movie Obsessed.

Much love,
D'Andra ❤️

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