My Heart Belongs To U

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Donald Earle DeGrate II
February 14, 2005

"Ow stop. It hurts!" Arrington yelled as I tried to examine her foot that was in a weird position.

"I think it's broken. We gotta take you to the hospital."

She sighed. "It's Valentine's Day. Besides babe I'm fine. If I can go through giving birth to two babies then I can deal with a little foot pain." She tried to stand up and sat back down wincing.

"Ari, we're going to the hospital." She pouted and I laughed getting up to put on some clothes. She was walking down the stairs with a pile of laundry in her hand and literally fell on a sock that slipped.

It was funny but not funny at the same time. It was just hilarious the face she made as if she was approaching death when she fell. After putting on some clothes I carried her to the car so we can see if the foot is broken or not.

After sitting in the waiting room for hours we finally went to the back and they took her to X-ray. I sat in the room waiting for her to return. When they finally wheeled her in she looked tired. I checked the time and it was noon. We still had a good amount of the day left. The doctor came in and confirmed that she broke her ankle. I held her hand as the put on her cast and they gave me the prescription for her pain. I grabbed her crutches and walked beside the nurse who was wheeling her out the hospital.

When we got to the car she sat in the back seat and I politely thanked the nurse. I pulled up to the pharmacy to drop off the prescription and we headed home.

"I'm sorry babe." She said out of nowhere.

I looked at her through the rear view mirror. "Sorry for what babe?"

"I ruined our Valentine's Day and I know you really wanted to do something special. I also need to apologize again for being cruel to you the past couple months. I really love you Donald.. The amount of love I have for you scares me sometimes.. I just don't want to be hurt anymore.. Thank you for being there though and for being patient with me."

I nodded my head. "You don't have to keep apologizing. I messed up our relationship and I'm aware of that. You did nothing, but be a great wife and friend. Sometimes I got frustrated when I kept doing everything I knew to do and you still wouldn't let me in, but I understood why. We're getting past it though, we're getting back to us. I love you and you didn't ruin our Valentine's Day. I can easily adjust the plans."

She nodded her head and looked out the window for the rest of the ride. I know she feels guilty for being harsh, but honestly she doesn't have to apologize. I completely understood why. I'm not gonna lie like I was cool the whole time, it was lots of times where I wanted to say fuck it. But every time I saw her face and I looked at our kids it gave me motivation. I know Arrington isn't someone who gives her trust out easily, she told me that when we first started dating. So when I broke not only her trust but the covenant of our marriage I knew it'd be hell and high waters to cross in order to get her to see why we should stay together.

I kept trying to have some type of control not realizing she was changing me for the better. It sucked when she didn't give in at first. I was used to her being pissed at me for a little and then we're back like nothing happened. I guess eventually it got to her, which is another thing. She doesn't express her emotions that much, after a couple years she built up this wall of protection and kept her feelings to herself. I knew she was growing tired of me mistreating her, but she always acted as if things were cool so I never took it seriously when she threw around threats of her leaving. I realize now why she was that way. She didn't want to seem weak and I continued to dog her out as if she meant nothing. I will continue to apologize and prove my love to her as long as I live. I never ever want a thought to cross her mind about me doing what I'm not supposed to. From when I entered the house I gave her the password to everything. I fired my assistant with a quickness. I make sure I'm in the house with the kids. I tell her every single thing just so she has no suspicions.

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