Issa joke¿

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Arrington Noel Cruz
December 31, 1991

"This has to be a fucking joke. This some bullshit." I sighed looking at the three pregnancy tests.

There was a knock on the bathroom door. "Babygirl you okay? You been in there for a minute." De called from the other side.

"I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute."
I said in a dull voice. Imagine on your 19th birthday you find out you're pregnant. I'm honestly so disappointed in myself. Because I was so stressed with De I skipped a whole two months of my pills. But damn I'd been taking them for 3 years an all of a sudden after two months I'm knocked up. I gotta make sure, but shit my mom even told me she had a dream of fish on Christmas Day.

I wrapped the pregnancy tests up and threw them away. I need to figure out how to tell De. I can't keep this from him being that he always talks about wanting more children. Speaking of kids I met them when we came back. They're so adorable and well mannered though Dyanna's mom doesn't like me. I walked in there with Donald and she looked at me like I stole her man. Like bitch you was a one night ho and then got lucky. Be humble with yo loose ass.

I walked out the bathroom and Donald looked up from his phone call. "Aye man let me call you back.. Yeah we'll come through... Yeah you too, bye."

"I think I'm gonna head home." I told him quietly. He furrowed his brows.

"I thought you said you was staying over? You even brought your clothes from your house. You sure you okay baby?" He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waste.

"I'm fine, I'm just... I-" I sighed closing my eyes.

He kissed my forehead and made me look at him. "What is it baby? You know you can tell me anything."

"Donald I think I'm pregnant.." I looked at him and he smiled.

"Well that's a hell of a birthday present. Tops what I was giving you."

I moved from his embrace and sat on the bed. I put my head in my hands letting some tears escape. Donald called my name and bent down to my level.

"Baby look at me." I looked up at him and he wiped my tears. "I know this isn't what we expected but hey you're creating a life in there. Babies are a blessing, not a curse. We'll be okay aight?" I nodded. "Now cheer up birthday girl. You got a party to get to. It was supposed to be a surprise, but it seems like you need some happiness."

I smiled and kissed his lips. I went in the shower to get ready. When I got out I walked into the room seeing De laying down without a shirt on. His eyes were closed, but I've learned just cause his eyes are closed doesn't mean he's sleeping. I straddled him and kissed his lips softly as he wrapped his arms around my waste.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting ready?" I asked him. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"I took a shower already. I know what I'm gonna wear. I'm a guy, it doesn't take me a long time."

I rolled my eyes playful and got off of him looking for an outfit. I finally picked out a nice crop shirt with a skirt to match. I sat next to him on the bed and threw my legs over his lap. I started polishing my toes hearing the phone ring. De told me to get it so I picked it up still focusing on my toes.

"Hello?" I said nicely.

"Who the fuck is this?! Where's DeVante?"

I looked at phone crazy. "This is Arrington his girlfriend, who's this?"

"Bitch put him on the phone. It's Traci, his baby mama. The one he still fucking."

I laughed loudly. "Now I KNOW that's a damn lie the way this nigga be all under my ass." I looked at him as he sat up on his arms asking who that is. I mouthed yo baby mama and he immediately knew which one. Traci don't like my ass, but Diana loves me. She let me know her and DeVante will never ever be again and she's getting married next month.

"At the end of the day I have the baby he always gonna want me.. You ain't nothing but a little fling with no ring."

"Uh huh, but yet I'M the one he asked to marry him. I'M the one he just bought a new Mercedes for. I'M the one who he be crying over if I try to leave him. I'M the one who he tells all his secrets to. I'M the one who he's laid up with right now. Boo don't play me, the only reason I'm not wearing a ring and married to him is because I'M the one who said I wasn't ready. Check my credentials boo, you lucky it's my birthday or I'd go in on yo ass." He rubbed my leg as he laughed lightly.

"Fuck you bitch!" She yelled.

I screwed my face in disgusts. "Girl bye I wouldn't even fuck you from behind with that where's Waldo loose pussy you got and neither would my man." I passed the phone to him. "Handle your pets, she needs to be neutered obviously." He laughed as she yelled obscenities on the other side.

He answered the phone rolling his eyes. I kept polishing my nails as they spoke about Dyanna asking for him. After his daughter got off the phone with him, Traci came on trying to talk some nasty shit in his ear and he immediately hung up like the good boy he is.

"Trying to come for my life. Better be lucky I look to damn fine and my pussy too damn tight to be bothered over hoes like her." I went to the mirror to fix my hair as De came up behind me and kissed my neck and then rubbed my stomach.

"I can't wait to start this family with you." I looked up at him through the mirror. Something in me didn't feel like everything was gonna be all glitter and gold but I brushed off the feeling and continued getting ready.

Excuse any errors

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