Love Shoulda Brought You Home

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>You already know how she left, I gave it to you in She's Out of My Life.

Arrington Noel DeGrate
April 30, 2004

"So you settled in pretty good up there?" Dalvin asked me over the phone.

"Yeah right now I'm just watching Zyla take nap. She's going to wake up soon."

"That's good.. It's someone who wants to speak to you."

I sighed rolling my eyes. "Okay, but just know I'm hanging up as soon as he say something slick."

"Alright let me put him on the line." I heard him click over and then a second later I heard his voice.

"Ari?" I stared down at my wedding ring trying not to cry. "Arrington you there?"

I cleared my throat. "Yeah sorry, I was watching tv." I lied quickly. The tv had nothing on.

"It's no problem.. Uhh.. Hi."

"Hello Donald."

"I got your letter.."


"And I see how I hurt you. None of it was ever intentional, shit just happened."

"Donald.. I don't have time for excuses. You always say this, you can't be that oblivious."

"Arrington all I know is I love you and I love my family."

"Well then love should've brought you home. You think I'm a doormat? I'm just there for you to step on? I'm just the maid that you happen to screw on the regular and even that you don't do. You too busy trying to be DeVante Swing you forgot Donald DeGrate is a married man with kids. You wanna be out in the streets and still be able to come home to me at night? That's not going to happen. I spent 13 years being nothing but loyal to you. I never lied to you and I never would've cheated on you. Sometimes it's like you forget I'm there like all the shit I've ever done for you means nothing. You know how many niggas be on my ass, but I'm over here being stupid in love with your ass. I don't care how good a guy looks or how fun a certain lifestyle may be, I have my priorities organized. You need to do the same or else."

"Or else what?" He asked sounding defensive.

"Or else this whole thing is done. We'll just co-parent and live our separate lives and this time I'm serious. I have a daughter and I'm 5 months pregnant, I'm not about to be having them raised seeing a toxic relationship."

"Ari, you know I don't want that."

"Then what is it that you want Donald?"

"To work it out! I want my family back. I want to see my little girl running around making me have tea parties. Forcing me to read her books and sing nursery rhymes on her little piano. I want to see my wife in the kitchen making a gourmet meal. Or sneaking off to her prayer room just to get peace and talk to the Lord. I want to hear you singing Nothing but the Blood to Zyla. I want to see you combing her hair and arguing with her when you get her dressed only for her to take off all her clothes. I want to hear you talking about how I have a struggle pony. How my tattoo fucks up my face, but you don't mind cause it keeps them hoes away. I want to see you laying next to me talking about the peak and pit of your day. I want to wake up to you playing with my fingers and staring up at the ceiling. I want to be there for your pregnant mood swings. I want to be there for the birth of my son. I want it all back Arrington."

I felt the tears coming down my face and Zyla woke up looking at me with a sad face. She climbed on top of me and grabbed my face. "Mommy okay? Why you cry? You miss daddy too?"

I chuckled kissing her cheek. "Mommy is fine baby. Thank you."

"Can I talk to her?" Donald asked hesitantly.

"You know I'd never stop you from being able to talk to her. Hold on. Zyla? Daddy wants to talk to you."

Her whole face beamed with joy as she snatched the phone from me. I stared at her in disbelief.

"Hi daddy!

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"Hi daddy!.. Good... Yes... I don't know... Daddy when you coming so I can get cookies?... She said no... But daddyyyyyyyyy, I want cookie... Okaaay.. Can we read uh uh, mommy what's book name?"

"The quilt." I said playing in her hair.

"Daddy, we read the quilt?... Well daddy where you?... Okay... Okay I love you daddy! Here mommy, daddy called you." She handed me the phone and jumped off the couch.

"Zyla Marie, where are you going?!"

She stopped and looked at me like I was slow. "To play mommy." She said in a duh tone. This little girl is going to send me to jail. Talking to me like I'm slow.

"Little girl, you better watch that tone. Keep the door open and don't go exploring." She nodded and walked off. I put the phone back to my ear. "Hello?"

He sighed. "Yeah I'm here.. Ari where are you guys?"

"I can't tell you that De. You'll only come over here and try to make things up."

"How are we going to progress then?"

"By you admitting you have a problem and going to rehab."

He sighed. "Why rehab?"

"If you claim you want your family then that means you need to get clean. You need to stop partying, which I don't know when this started cause when we were dating you were a homebody.. You need to get in the right circle, and then you can work on gaining my trust back."

"You don't trust me."

"Hell no, I don't even trust your ass going to the bathroom." I heard Dalvin chuckle on the line. This nigga been listening the whole time. "You need to go to rehab, that's the only way you'll truly change."

"For how long?"

"Your mom and I looked up one that's for 6 months. It's a really good program and the people are nice."

"Aight.. I'll call my mom and I'll check it out. Can you at least visit me?"

"I'll let Zyla visit with Dal. I'll think about coming myself."

He sighed. "Aight.. I guess that's fair."

"Y'all my battery bout to die, hurry it up." Dalvin said.

I chuckled. "Bye Donald."

"Bye Arrington, I told Zy I'd call tonight to read her the quilt. If that's okay."

"Yeah, it's fine."

"I love you."

I hung up the phone and stared at the blank tv screen. "I love you too Donald.. I love you too.."


Excuse any errors

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