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Arrington Noel DeGrate
December 4, 2003

"Zyla Marie if you don't get down from there! You're not getting no cookies till after dinner."

"Noooo! Cookie! Please." She said giving them eyes.

"No cookie baby, come on get down." I got her to stop trying to climb on the chair. "You go back and watch Barney."

I went back to cooking when I heard the front door open.

"Daddy! Daddy!" I heard Zyla scream.

"Hi princess! How's my jelly bean?"

"Daddy cookie please." I know this little girl did not just ask his ass for no cookie after I said no. For this child I have prayed, for her playing the fence I have not.

"Anything for my baby girl. Come on." They walked in the kitchen and looked at me.

"Zyla I told you no cookies until after you eat dinner. Don't make me pop you."

"Daddy say cookie.. So cookie.. Go daddy, cookie." She said trying to be slick.

"No. Daddy is not going to help you out of this one. No cookie till after you eat mama."

She started throwing a tantrum and Donald picked her up. "Aye, you better calm that down. You have to wait till dinner, now go watch tv." She stopped crying and went back to her little playroom. I rolled my eyes at how quick she switches up for Donald.

I turned off the rice and checked on the chicken in the oven. Donald came behind me and kissed my neck.

"How's my queen?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around my waste.

"Fine.. Where were you? You left from 9 this morning and it's now 7."

"I was working baby." He placed kisses on my neck and I rolled my eyes.

"I called you three times Donald." I turned around to face him. "I know you working but you have a family. On top of that you're coming home with your breath smelling like straight Hennessy and I know you been smoking."

He sighed. "Just chill baby. It's nothing serious. Just hanging out with the guys having a good time."

"So you at the studio or hanging with the guys? Which one is it?" I asked pushing him off of me.

"Baby, I'm hanging with the guys at the studio, working."

"With whom?"

"You know who baby, Static and them."

"Mmhm, and tell that little girl stop calling our house like she live here. I told you to fire her ass anyways."

He walked up to me grabbing my waste backing me against the fridge. "Tanya means nothing to me. You're my wife, I'm in love with you. Everything I do is to make sure you and babygirl are straight."

"How are you doing that if you're out every night? You barely make it in time to put Zyla to bed some days. You come home sloppy drunk at least twice each week. You always smoking that shit. On top of that I might be pregnant again so you need to get it together."

"Ari come on now. I'm always here for you and our daughter. If you're pregnant I'll be here for this one too."

"Donald you need to go to rehab. You have a problem."

He sucked his teeth and walked away from me. I followed him after checking on Zyla to see her watching Barney holding one of her toy elephants. She's obsessed with that animal, I don't know why. I walked in the room to him taking off his clothes.

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