Chapter 7

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{ Sarah smiles-panic at the disco} I don't know I was just kinda listening to it while writing and I felting it kinda fit it was either this or lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her cloths off. So ya...

Chapter 7

Leo blackheart

I continued making my rounds and making sure the inmates were not fighting or stuff like that when I hear a crap ton of yelling. Like fuck they were supper loud.

I see a crowd form and they all were stepping back ....interesting. I pushed through and stood behind a medium tall guy. There is this really hot girl with brown hair and blue eyes. Damn she is sexy I can just imagine all the bad stuff I would do to her like ki- no no Leo snap the fuck out of it.

You are a player a player and a Bad boy no one makes you think that way. That's right I'm a bad boy and a guard what can I say. Really the only reason I have this job was A for my community service and B cause my uncle is the head of the damn place so he keeps an eye one me.

" come here daddy wants a quick fuck" holy shit he did not just say that cause I swear I'm going to rip his head off. Before I could even make a move the girl kicks him right in the jaw. Ouch that's gotta hurt.

As she swing herself back up her hair landed gracefully around her back. Damn. She then gets hit square in the face from some random dude hell no. I'm literally about to go all Bitch I hope da fuck you do you gonna be a dead son of a bitch I tell you dat all up in here.

I feel my hand ball up into a fist on its own. No why should I help here I don't even know her. And I don't know here name...yet.

The next thing I know this bitch is on top of one of the guys pounding away at his face. Holy shot she is gonna kill him and get time added on her sentence.

I push through the few people in from of me and wrap my arms around her waist and pick her up. She is squirming around so much but holy fuck she is rubbing up against my manhood. Jesus and she doesn't even seem to notice.

All of a sudden she elbows me and catches me off guard causing me to drop her. She caught me by  surprise   with the sudden 'bitch you pulled me off I'm gonna kick your ass' elbow.

She quickly spun around. I can tell this girl has really good reflexes. Reminds me of a supposed girl from the misfits. I heard she was so fast that she couldn't be seen. But apparently she disappeared interesting if you ask me.

Her eyes flashed with an emotion I couldn't quite read as they became empty. I couldn't read her eyes I guess there really was a first time for everything.

Then she just leaves. Like that.....she was gone. I continued my rounds but not before making sure someone takes those two idiots to get checked out.

Soon it was time for food. I took one of the far walls and watched the inmates as other officers walked around. My eyes scanned for this mystery girl. She has gotten my interest.

My eyes land on here as she was sitting down at a table with only  only her bra on!! Wtf where the hell is her shirt. But wow her tattoos and abs along with her little v lines poking out of her bottoms. Damn no wonder all the guys were looking at her. But they all seemed afraid to say anything to her.

She sat down with her food which didn't seem like a lot actually. She sat down and a few guys and two girl came and sat with her. While she stuck her hand to get a piece of what looked like beef jerky she looked up and our eyes connected. She grinned and popped it into her mouth then looked back at her friends.

I swear this girl might just be the death of me.

Ok how was that

I never have really written a guys point of view but sometimes my friends like to call me a guy trapped in a girls body so I just kinda wrote what up felt I would have said, though, and done in Leo's position

What'd y'all think

Should I counting this story?

Also I just started a new book it is called used to be his and its him be really interesting well hopefully. I might actually use my own voice cause it's gonna have singing so ya hopefully you people will go check that out

Well until next time
~ The lovely writer of this story~ Alex

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