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I just wanna acknowledge some people  who have  been a big help with my book.

I wanna thank MeMyselfAndTheWriter for making not just the cover for this book but for almost all of them. All of you should go check out her cover book where you can request different stuff such as banners, covers, icons, movie poster, and headers, with the additional specialty of the day. Writer does an amazing job with them so you should go check her out.

I also wanna thank ThePsychoMadHatter because they really inspired me to start writing and is just one of the many. mad hatter sticks out to me because of how much I enjoyed the books the tattooed bad boy, just a circus puppet, and the newest book which I'm so excited for the mafia's desire.  Your books are so amazing and really inspired me so thank you! You are also the first person I ever followed when I got wattpad

Other writers also inspired me such as lykisses who was one of the first people's books I read when I got wattpad and I love your book hide me from the bad boy. You also inspired me to write.

All of these others and so many more are the reason why I actually started to write.

I also wanna thank some of my friends for supporting me like

victoria_linda for being one of the first people to know I was writing and supported me

Island_Jauregui for trying to help me make my books better
panicdischoe for listening to my ranting and with helping make the decision  to enter into the watty awards

_xoKailaxo because your an amazing person

I also wanna thank everyone for reading  so thank you my lovely unicorns.

Alright this sounds supper sappy and if you know me I don't really do sappy so

Thank you all you lovely assholes

Did that ruin it ops.

Well you should know me I'm just a bitch hehehe.

Ok good bye unicorns.

see  next time  ..... or not  who knows

~ The lovely writer of this story ~ Alex

Also I thought this was a great song to put here so ya.  Also the video is funny and ya

Ok bye

The Badass From Prison { editing }Where stories live. Discover now