Chapter 13

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{ escape the Fate- situation }

Chapter 13

Luna Cromwell

The fuck does this boy think he is.

Without even looking to see who it was I started fucking firing at him like there was no tomorrow. Yes I might have had a few drinks but that don't mean shut I'm still good. " the fuck do you think you are. Who the hell have your crusty ass permission to touch me. Hmm. No one that's who I thought. Now you best be leaving before I kick your ass"

Like I said I fucking fired on that dick. I opened my eyes and on look no one was there now. But I could see someone pushing past every one. Hehehe I'm so mean and I love it.


Alright so I have no idea how this happened but I'm somehow needed up behind the club making out with some random guy after I had like ten drinks or some shit I don't know anymore.

This guy can't even kiss for his life. It's like he is trying to eat my God damn face off but I'm just gonna ignore that. He's trying so hard and it's really sad. His hand first usually makes it to my butt ans all I hear for behind is laughing.

Alright ima slap a hoe in about  two seconds.



" wow buddy you really need some help because damn if your dick is anything like your kissing then your gonna be done after the first thrust."

Ok I'm sorry but I can't help but laugh. I fall off the guy and get up and lean against the wall all while laughing. The guy glares at me but hey not the first time cause if looks could kill I would have been dead a long LONG time ago.

I look over this mystery man's shoulder and see some of the gang looking at me. I mission my head at the guy and they automatically get what I'm saying. If you don't let me just tell you. Up pretty much jus said how this pussy on the floor was ruining my night and was terrible. Cause seriously people he is I'm sorry but he is.

I began walking down back to the front of the club to probably leave when I feel a hard smack on the ass. * insert dramatic sigh* ill let him go this time I guess. I turned to him and whispers in his ear " ill let you go this time but if you ever do that again ill have your dick cut off"

And with that I walked away leaving him probably confused. As I walked I realized something... I never saw this face. Well shit


Cut bitch cut.

That's it for today.

What do y'all think of the new cover a big thanks to MeMyselfAndTheWriter for the amazing cover I love it and I hope you guys do too

Uh maybe another update today I don't know.

Ill update my other book and I'm also probably gonna post the first chapter of my new book called The Killer

So ya

See y'all next time
~ The lovely writer of this story~ Alex

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